Echoes and Embers (Rebel Angels)

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Book: Echoes and Embers (Rebel Angels) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cyndi Friberg
help me understand the cause of her…surliness.”
    Mae fidgeted, glancing at Sariel then back at Alyssa. “Does she know you’re here?”
    “ Nay, and she need not if that’s your wish.”
    “I… It is not my place—”
    “Mae, I’m at my wits’ end. I know not where to turn. If I had any alternative, I wouldn’t put you in the middle of our conflict. I must understand why Rosalind has grown so hostile.”
    The young mother wrung her hands. “I’ve spent time with you, milady. I know it’s nothing but foolish talk. But Lady Rosalind is hurt by their words. She loves you more than she cares to admit.”
    Confused by the convoluted explanation, Alyssa waited for the younger woman to elaborate.
    “Lady Rosalind has heard the whispers, the speculation. She’s not sure how to respond to their…” As if realizing just how much she’d said, Mae turned bright red and snapped her mouth shut. “It’s really not my place.”
    Mae tried to take her daughter back, but Alyssa stood and passed the sleeping infant to Sariel. He made a startled sound deep in his throat but settled the baby in the bend of his elbow as Alyssa turned her full attention on Mae.
    “What are they saying about me in the village that has Rosalind so upset?”
    “Milady, it’s nothing. Foolish gossip.”
    Every moment Mae delayed compounded Alyssa’s discomfort. “Well, this foolish gossip has Rosalind behaving like a regular termagant, so you better just spit it out.”
    “They say you’ve gone mad,” Mae admitted in a soft rush of words.
    Stunned beyond words, Alyssa just stared at the girl.
    Dread quickly penetrated her stupor. Why was she surprised? The thought had crossed her own mind more than once. Was she going mad? What would become of Rosalind if reality slipped away?
    “I’m sorry, milady. I don’t believe this foolishness and neither does Lady Rosalind, but she… Oh, why did you make me tell you? It’s just idle gossip!”
    “Nay, you were right to tell me. You have my thanks.” Alyssa gave the girl’s arm a quick squeeze, but the pressure banding her chest made each breath painful.
    They think I’m mad! The people of Monthamn think I’ve gone mad.
    She turned to Sariel, meaning to hand Mae the baby and make a hasty exit. His golden head bowed toward the child as he whispered words she couldn’t quite hear. A half smile softened his features, relaxing the harsh angles of his face. Against the velvety green of his eyes, the golden shards glowed, making the pattern clearly visible.
    He was…magnificent.
    Tears blurred her vision and tenderness melded with her seething emotions. Maybe she was crazy. Her heart, her soul, ached for a man she had only just met.
    He lifted his head and their gazes locked, pleasure still illuminating his expression. A tear escaped the corner of her eye and she furiously brushed it away. Would she ever inspire such happiness in another’s gaze? Had there been a time in her life when she was happy?
    “This baby is the most delightful creature I have ever beheld,” Sariel told Mae as he gingerly passed the infant back to her.
    She laughed merrily. “I’ll not argue with you there, kind sir, until she starts to fussing . Do you have children of your own?”
    “Not anymore.” His smile vanished and the gleaming pattern in his eyes disintegrated. “How well did you know Lady Rosalind’s parents?” He spoke again before the women could question his sad statement.
    “As well as any of us village folk, I suppose. We lost so many that year . My parents fell to the Black Death too.”
    “I’ve been in the parish church,” he began with a quick smile. “Have the Monthamns always had a fascination with angels?”
    “I don’t know about always, but Lady Rosalind’s grandmother surely did. She used to tell such stories. She knew the names of so many angels you’d have thought she’d been to Heaven.”
    Alyssa crossed her arms over her chest as she heard Mae’s words. If Rosalind’s
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