Earth Angel (Falling Angels Saga)

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Book: Earth Angel (Falling Angels Saga) Read Online Free PDF
Author: E. Van Lowe
him coming. He straightened, like a warrior ready to do battle, an evil grin splayed across his lips.
    There were three other boys in the group. They took up positions just off his shoulders, eyeing Guy as if they were itching for a fight.
    He seemed unmoved as he continued toward them. He wasn’t intimidated. He kept up the same even pace.
    Guy may not have been scared, but I was scared for him. I followed behind him with my heart in my mouth. I didn’t want to fight. I hadn’t been in a fight since grade school, and I lost that one. Yet, if these boys attacked Guy, they’d have me to deal with as well.
    By the time he reached the front, I was right behind him.
    “Sorry, gentlemen, but you’re not on the guest list.” He said it matter-of-factly, yet there was a low, menacing tone to his voice.
    The leader ignored him, looking past him to me. “Hey! I know you. Matt’s little girlfriend.” He removed his sunglasses and shot me a dingy-toothed grin.
    I recognized him instantly. It was Danny Tambor, a mean boy I’d had a crush on for a week back when I was ten and he was fourteen.
    “You can catch up with the young lady some other time,” Guy said without looking back to see who Danny was talking to. “It’s time for you and your friends to leave.”
    Danny looked at Guy, his stare a blatant threat. He opened his mouth to respond. All of a sudden the strangest look came over him. His eyes widened. “You,” he whispered, hanging onto the word as if he was trying to dislodge it from the back of his throat. He started going all white as if he’d seen a ghost.
    We all stood where we were for an interminable second. My eyes were on the back of Guy’s head. He seemed taller than I remembered.
    Danny let out a soft sigh, his shoulders slumping forward, as if the wind had been knocked out of him. He looked down at Jeremy who was now seated on the floor. “Sorry to have bothered you, brother.” His voice had turned conciliatory. Danny swung around, facing his crew. “I don’t want to party with these school kids. Let’s get out of here.”
    His friends seemed surprised as he pushed past them and exited the house, but they didn’t question his change of heart. Instead they turned and followed on his heels.
    It was then I looked over at Erin. Her eyes were caked with the same black eyeliner she was wearing in my dreams. Her pale breasts were overflowing her skimpy bikini top. Her skin-tight jeans had so many rips and cuts in them you could see more flesh than jean. This was not the Erin who had been my best friend since the third grade. This was another person altogether.
    “Hey, Erin,” I called softly. I thought of asking her why she’d dropped the dead bird in my garden last night, but I realized it didn’t matter. Everything about the new Erin was a cry for help. She needed saving. This is what my dreams were trying to tell me. I knew it had to be me who saved her. “Maybe we can meet up at the mall some time.”
    She rolled scorn-filled eyes at me, and without a word, headed off after her friends. A few moments later the sound of motorcycles firing up crackled in the air. Everyone in the house sighed with relief as the rumble of the bikes faded into the distance.
    The party was pretty much over after that. The music came back on. Everyone went back to partying as if nothing had happened, but the mood had clearly changed. Shortly after that, people started making their way toward the door.
    “What did you do to him?” I asked as Guy and I headed back to get Maudrina.
    “Nothing.” Another of his famous one word answers.
    “Danny and his friends were about to kick the crap out of you. But he saw something. He said you . What did he mean by that?”
    Guy swung around and faced me. “Not today, okay! I just wanted today to be for us.” His words were tortured.
    “Sure.” I smiled. I reached out and touched his hand.“I had a wonderful time today.”
    His gaze softened. “You did?” He
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