that moment for effect. I came up laughing.
“Where do angels come from?” I asked.
He drew back, looking into my face to see if I was pulling his chain.
“I mean, I know they come from heaven. I got that. But are angels people who died and were brought back to help?”
He laughed out loud. “You watch too many movies.” He drew me in closer, lowered his voce.“God created angels long before he created man. We are a race of beings just like you.”
“Ah. So, being as you’re an angel and all, I suppose you have wings hidden somewhere under that jacket.” I rubbed my hands playfully along his shoulder blades.
“I did have wings at one time.” There was something in his tone, a sense of loss that made me sorry I asked the question. I changed the subject.
“You seem so worldly. I was wondering, have you had a girlfriend before?” I honestly didn’t know I was going to ask. No doubt, I’d thought it. After all, I wasn’t the first person he’d been sent to watch over. I knew how much he didn’t like answering angel questions, but my mind was searching for something to get us away from the subject of wings, and it just came out.
“No,” he replied. It was a one word, straightforward answer to get me to back off. But I was at The Explosion, and in his arms. I decided to go for it.
“Then how did you become such a good kisser? That doesn’t seem to me to be the kind of thing they teach in heaven. Not the way you kiss.” I smiled, hoping to take the edge off.
“Well…” He hesitated a moment. “I have to win people over.”
“By kissing them?”
“Yes. But not loving them.” He was starting to squirm.
“Is the great Guy Matson sweating?” I teased.
“I love you, Megan. It’s thrown my entire existence into turmoil. I didn’t plan on falling in love, but I did. I love you. I always will, and I’m happy about it.”
I suddenly found myself hyperventilating. Could anyone blame me? I was at The Explosion, dancing in the arms of the boy I loved, and he had just expressed his undying love for me.
As I swayed in Guy’s arms, I was thinking of what a beautiful place the world was, of how this was very much like the story book moments my mother read to me when I was a little girl, and how just as in the story books, I wished it would never end.
I was luxuriating in these thoughts when I happened to catch something out of the corner of my eye. Even though we were near the back of the house, it was one of those homes where you could see straight through to the front. A group of scraggly-haired toughs had just entered. They were too old to be students at G.U. There were two provocatively dressed girls with them. One of the girls was a teased-out platinum blond in a short jean skirt and thigh-high leather boots. The other was Erin.
Chapter Five
I tensed in Guy’s arms.
“What’s the matter?” he asked.
“I’m not sure.”
Jeremy was trying to explain to the group that it was a private party. The lead tough who was wearing wire rimmed, oval-shaped sunglasses stepped closer to Jeremy. His right hand shot out and wrapped around Jeremy’s throat. Jeremy was bigger and more muscular than the boy, but obviously not as tough.
Guy turned, peering over his shoulder to see what I was staring at.
By then Jeremy had collapsed to his knees. I could tell he was pleading with the boy. All the jocks were. Finally the boy let go, and Jeremy rolled onto his side, his knees going up to his chest. His hands moved to his neck as he gasped for air.
“Wait here,” Guy said in a tone he had never used before. The command was so soft I almost didn’t hear it.
He started for the front of the house.
The party had virtually stopped. By now everyone knew there was something wrong. No one moved. Everyone stood where they were, staring at the group of toughs.
The crowd parted as Guy moved through to the front. His movement was languid, almost as though he was moving in slow motion. The leader saw
Kira Wilson, Jonathan Wilson