Dying to Retire

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Book: Dying to Retire Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jessica Fletcher
pills, and they’d fly off the shelf, but I stopped stocking them when a couple of football guys died and it turned out they were taking something like this.”
    “What’s in it?”
    “It’s a combination of ephedra and caffeine. Some consider it fairly safe and effective for healthy people who want to lose weight.”
    “Would you recommend ephedra for someone who had a heart condition?” Seth asked.
    “I wouldn’t recommend ephedra to anyone; that’s why I stopped selling it. This pill also has caffeine in it, and the combination is a powerful stimulant. Definitely not safe in my opinion, especially for someone with a bad heart. Could die from that.” He gave the pill back to Seth, saying, “I wouldn’t take it if I were you. There are safer ways to lose weight. If you follow me, I can show you some of the things we do recommend for our overweight customers. And I have a wonderful booklet with easy exercise routines. The retirees have a pretty good gym over at Foreverglades. Have you seen it?” He was halfway down the aisle before he realized his error.
    Seth sputtered. “Me? I wasn’t talking about me. I’m not retired, I don’t have a heart condition, and I’m not looking to go on a diet. And if I want exercise, it won’t be in a gym.”
    “Oh, sorry,” Harry said, flushing. “I thought that’s why you were asking. . . .” He trailed off, obviously embarrassed.
    “Can you believe it, Jessica? I ask a simple question and he has me on a diet. Next thing you know, he’ll be telling me to dye my hair.”
    “Now, Seth, it was a natural mistake,” I said, trying not to look down at his ample stomach. “The man certainly didn’t mean to offend you.”
    “And besides, I do exercise,” Seth barked to Harry. “I play golf.” He straightened his posture, pulling his shoulders back and stomach in. I wasn’t sure how long he could hold that pose. “Anyway, I found out what I needed to,” he said, starting for the door. He nodded at Harry. “Thank you, sir. Appreciate the information. Coming along, Jess?”
    “Why don’t you see if they have a table at the coffee shop next door,” I said, not quite ready to leave. “I could use an iced tea, and you’d probably like one, too. I saw the nicest candle in the other aisle, and I want to buy it for Charlene Sassi. She loves candles. Go on ahead. I’ll meet you in few minutes.”
    “Don’t be dillydallying. Time’s a-wasting,” he said, looking back at me while he pushed through the door, nearly knocking over a red-haired woman in a suit.
    “I never dillydally,” I called after him.
    “Sorry, Mrs. Fletcher,” Harry said. “I just assumed he was talking about himself.”
    “Don’t worry about it, Harry,” I said. “He’ll get over it. And I think he may need a reminder every now and again to follow the same advice he gives to his patients about diet and exercise.”
    “But he was upset, and I feel bad that I insulted him.”
    “He’s not the type to hold a grudge. He’ll forget about it.”
    “I hope so. Is there anything else, Mrs. Fletcher? I’ve got to get back to filling prescriptions. Sandy can help you with the candles.”
    “Just one or two more things, Harry. It’s a lovely store. Tell me, have you had it a long time?”
    “Moved here right when Foreverglades opened, about ten years ago. This place was a wasteland after Hurricane Andrew blew through, but the government put up a lot of money to rebuild, and Foreverglades was the first community to take advantage of the funds available. We’ve grown quite a bit since then. Have a whole village now, shops, library, police department—even a chamber of commerce.”
    “You must have a good-sized clientele with the development right next door. It’s restricted to those over fifty-five, isn’t it?”
    “I see what you’re thinking, and I thought the same thing myself when I first came here. Older people tend to need more medicines, it’s true. But the people who live
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