Dying to Retire

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Author: Jessica Fletcher
How nice.” Monica pulled out a chair and sat sideways in it, the dog on her lap. She crossed her legs and let a silver high-heeled pump dangle from her foot.
    “What a cute little fellow,” Seth said, leaning over to pat the dog on the head.
    The dog growled. Seth jerked back his hand.
    Monica pouted. “Ooh, I don’t know what got into him,” she said. “Snowy is a bichon frise. They’re very friendly dogs.” She lifted the little dog and kissed his muzzle, leaving a trace of lipstick on his fur. She smiled up at Seth. “Well, I’m delighted to meet you,” she said. “But I can only stay a minute. I have an appointment with my massage therapist.”
    “Can’t imagine why you would need a therapist. You look like a very healthy girl to me,” he said, returning the smile and sinking into his seat.
    “Woman,” I corrected, thinking that if I disappeared, neither of them would notice.
    “Of course. A healthy woman.”
    “A massage makes you feel so good,” Monica said, rolling first one shoulder and then the other, thrusting her bosom forward. “And it keeps the muscles in shape. Don’t you think so, Doctor?”
    “Oh, absolutely,” Seth said. “It’s important to keep your muscles in shape.”
    “I work out, too,” she said, pushing a strand of blond hair behind her ear. “A woman can’t be too careful about her figure.”
    A light came into Seth’s eyes. “Do you use the gym at Foreverglades?”
    “Every morning from six to seven.”
    “Someone was just suggesting I stop by the gym to see the facilities.”
    “Ooh, I’d be tickled to death to show you around. I know all about the equipment.”
    “And were you a friend of Portia’s?” I asked, deciding it was time to join the conversation.
    She tore her eyes away from Seth’s for an instant. “Oh, poor, poor Clarence,” she said. “He lost his first wife in a boating accident, and then Portia drops dead on the beach. That man must just hate the water.”
    “I wouldn’t be surprised,” I said. “Tell me, Ms. Kotansky—”
    “Oh, you must call me Monica. And I’ll call you Seth. Is that all right, Doctor?” I’d lost her again.
    “Absolutely. My pleasure.”
    She placed the dog on the floor, unwinding the leash from her hand, and rose. Seth rose as well. “I hate to run, but I don’t want to be late for my appointment. So nice to meet you, Jessica,” she said, still looking at Seth. “And if I don’t see you at the gym early tomorrow morning, I’ll catch you later at the funeral.”
    “What funeral?” I asked.
    “Why, Portia’s, of course,” she said, finally turning in my direction. “Hadn’t you heard? The police have released her body.”

Chapter Four
    Every seat in the small chapel was taken, and the air inside was stifling. Seth, Mort, Maureen, and I sat halfway back, having arrived early. But those who’d come ten minutes later had to content themselves with standing along the sides in front of the tall stained-glass windows, or leaning against the back wall on either side of the entrance. It was gratifying to see that Portia had made so many friends since moving to Florida from Cabot Cove, following her mother’s death.
    “All-powerful and merciful God, we commend to you Portia Shelby, your servant. In your mercy and love, blot out all the sins she has committed through human weakness. In this world she has died; let her live with you forever.”
    The minister closed his prayer book and invited Portia’s friends to offer remembrances of her. Several people stood and moved to the front of the room, waiting for a turn at the lectern to eulogize our old friend and neighbor.
    The first to speak were the Simmons twins, Earl and Burl. They’d donned identical black T-shirts for the occasion and had removed their fluorescent orange baseball caps, revealing light brown hair parted on the side and plastered down. Their slacks and sneakers were also black, but the caps clutched in their hands and matching orange
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