Duchess by Mistake

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Book: Duchess by Mistake Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cheryl Bolen
Tags: Regency Romance
and husky when he spoke. "Will you do me the honor of becoming my duchess?"
    "You don't have to do this," she managed in a shaky voice.
    "It's time that I see to the succession, and there is no woman I'd rather have for the mother of my children."
    If he'd thought to woo her with such a declaration, nothing could have been further from reality. All his declaration accomplished was her total mortification. Being the mother of his children entailed the very thing that had so embarrassed her that very afternoon.
    Yet as she stood there contemplating it, she did not find him so very profligate.  The man's intentions were honorable!
    "It's very kind of you, your grace, but I assure you, it's not necessary. Once my brother is apprised of the facts, he won't expect you to offer me marriage."
    "Your brother knows I had no intention of compromising you. He knows about. . . Belle Evans. And I assure you, both your brother and I could never have hoped for a happier alliance than for you to become my bride."
    Despite that he'd left England rather than duel a jealous husband, despite that he'd broken the faro bank at Whites with unconscionable wagering, despite that he'd been conducting a very public intrigue with the married Contessa Savatini these past four years, Elizabeth had to give the Duke of Aldridge credit for a nobility few aristocratic men possessed.
    Noble or not, she refused to marry this man. “I am deeply appreciative of your offer, your grace, but my resolve to stay unwed is unwavering.” Then, feigning a defiant manner, she said, “I bid you goodnight.”
    Once again, he barred her progress, this time firmly  coiling his hand around her arm. "I am accustomed to getting what I want, Elizabeth."

Chapter 3
    She raced up the stairs, her heartbeat hammering, her hands trembling. She could still feel the heat of where his hand had touched, still hear him huskily addressing her by her Christian name. No man had ever called her just Elizabeth . It was unbearably intimate!
    In her bedchamber, she shakily closed the door behind her and commenced to pacing. Her hunger had been snuffed out like a candle. Had a feast been spread before her, she would have been unable to eat. That insufferable rake! What could possibly have possessed him to seek her for a wife--other than guilt about subjecting her to such an improper spectacle that afternoon?
    Did the officious man not realize that now--in the nineteenth century--men and women married for love? (Except for her greedy sister Kate.) The Duke of Aldridge did not love her, and she most certainly did not love him.
    She collapsed on to her bed. She'd spoken the truth when she told Anna she was incapable of loving any man except the one who did not return her affections. Captain Smythe. She wanted to hate the handsome officer for stealing her heart with his exclusive attentions that did not culminate in a marriage offer.
    He'd led her to believe he was in love with her before he returned to the Peninsula, but nary a letter had she received from him in the ensuing year. She had learned, too, that he was dallying with a Spanish noblewoman. The rake!
    As her thoughts wandered to her conversation with Anna earlier that day, she was stunned to realize that had occurred less than twelve hours previously. It seemed as if days had passed since her well-publicized fiasco at Aldridge House. It certainly seemed like days had passed since she'd last eaten.
    She did feel weak from hunger, but her insides were far too jittery to welcome nourishment.
    A knock sounded upon her door. She expected Haverstock. No doubt he was prepared to congratulate her for snaring a duke. She dreaded telling him the truth. He was bound to be deeply disappointed. Not only would it have been prestigious to have a duchess for a sister, but Haverstock would enjoy deepening the connection with his oldest friend. Were she to marry Aldridge, her brother's two best friends would also be his
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