Double Down (Take a Gamble)

Double Down (Take a Gamble) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Double Down (Take a Gamble) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Stella Price
Shade had always called him, he was a royal illusion Demon best known for his trickery.
    “Lady Shade,” Darrek smiled at her. “How good of you to join us. It saves us the trouble of hunting you out.”
    “And why exactly would I be inclined to do you that favor?”
    “Our employer wishes sorely to see you.”
    “Well he can go and fuck himself.” She smiled her eyes scanning the crowd looking for an escape.
    “I believe that’s why he wishes to see you… his wife.”
    She swallowed hard. “Not yet I ain’t bud. There’s still a month and I…”
    “He’s particularly interested to meet you. He’s heard so many wonderful stories and you have his full attention.” Ferret carried on cutting her off.
    “And that’s just what I need, attention.”
    “He’s very interested in watching you reenact some of your greatest tales and wishes you to know that he’s brought you the finest of stables for your stallion.”
    Shade ’s stomach flopped, threatening to spill what little food she’d managed down. “That didn’t even happen, that sick fucking chill…”
    Darrek slapped her hard cutting her words off. “Mind your tongue whore.” He said as he caught her retaliating slap in a crushing fist. The people around them carried on as normal no doubt Ferret had them concealed in an illusion.
    “As I was saying,” Ferret continued as her arm was held still in the vice-like grip. “A stallion and maybe even a few hounds if it pleases his court.”
    “Seriously? He’ll have me on show fucking animals, what will the children think?”
    “Children?” Darrek frowned confused.
    “Well once we’re married it will be our duty. He can’t exactly sully his children’s good names just for a few cheap thrills now can he?” She argued twisting their thoughts as her heart sped. “You know you really should go back and reasonably smooth out his plans. I mean, if he’s going to have me all to himself then he’s going to have to come up with something more constructive than have me fucking something other than him.”
    “You’re coming with us.”
    “Boys,” she smiled soothingly. “I’m not leaving you.” Until she got her arm back that was.
    “Right on that one.” Ferret said as he held out a large metal slavers cuff.
    “That is not going anywhere near me.” She pulled away , a futile gesture with her arm in the meaty grasp.
    The slavers cuff was something banned in most demon societies, only the illusion demons still allowed them and at that they were still rare. They dated back to the times when demons sold each other into slavery, binding powers to make them more compliant.
    “There’s really no need.” She whimpered as the cool metal touched her skin feeling the Shadows dull away from her as it closed its clasp.
    “Now that’s better, as I was saying , you’re coming with us. We have a long journey to the next ley line.”
    “Road trip from hell.” She shuddered, the loss of her Shadows settling viscerally around her. “I’d rather not. How did you even find me?”
    Ferret gave her a toothy grin. “Let’s just say we keep an eye on any mention on you.”
    “Flattering.” She shook her head. “But I still don’t have to meet him for another month. You think my father would stand for this?”
    “Your father has little control over you.”
    “How dare you,” she accused, getting an idea, a stupid one, but then the caliber of the men she was dealing with were exactly up to Caleb’s intelligence. “Let me hear you say that to his face,” she waved behind them. “Daddy!”
    To her utter disbelief , they fell for it, both jerking around in fear. Feeling the fear of her own, she took off. Barreling past people and heading towards the one person who would have any benefit or need in helping her escape. Caleb.
    He wasn’t hard to find given that he was stalking about trying to find her but with two angrier Demons on her trail she couldn’t waste any time. She threw herself at him dr
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