Doctor Who: The Masque of the Mandragora

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Book: Doctor Who: The Masque of the Mandragora Read Online Free PDF
Author: Philip Hinchcliffe
Tags: Science-Fiction:Doctor Who
the altar. With its leering mouth and cruel, deep-set eyes, the masked visage seemed the embodiment of evil.
    The figure approached the altar and took up a position on the highest step. The High Priest bowed to him and began to chant.
    â€˜Let the sacrifice be swift and certain lest the great god Demnos be displeased!’
    â€˜So shall it be,’ replied the masked figure and taking hold of the sacrificial knife he raised it point downward over Sarah’s defenceless form. The chanting of the High Priest and the responses of the brothers rose to a pitch of hysteria, echoing round the vast chamber in a cacophony of sound.
    The Doctor paused. He had reached a dimly lit passage not far from the main chamber. The eerie chanting sound which he had heard for several minutes now began to ring more loudly in his ears. He hurried on, drawn by the mesmeric incantation. Intuition, sixth sense, that telepathic power which Time Lords possess told him Sarah was ahead and in danger. He rounded one more bend in the tunnel and there in front was the chamber and the source of the sound he had been following. For a second he was stunned by the sheer numbers of black hooded figures covering the floor of the cavern. But that shock was superseded by an even greater one as he spied Sarah on the altar, the sacrificial knife poised ready to plunge into her heart.
    Both the High Priest and the masked figure were gazing upwards to the roof of the cavern incanting the final phrases of their votive offering. In the instant’s delay, the Doctor leapt through the kneeling bodies and gained the altar steps. As the voice of the masked figure reached a climax and the knife began its rapid descent, the Doctor swept Sarah up in his arms and lifted her bodily from the path of the flashing blade. It dug into the stone surface with a steely clang almost throwing the masked figure off balance. It took a few moments for him to realise what had happened but then he let out a scream of rage and pointed to the fleeing form of the Doctor.
    â€˜Seize him!’
    The High Priest ran down the altar steps followed by three brothers. The remainder were still too confused to take in the situation.
    The Doctor struggled with Sarah towards the passage which led from the chamber.
    The pursuing brothers were almost on him when something so remarkable occurred it halted them dead in their tracks. The entire chamber had begun to glow with an ethereal light and the sound of a great rushing wind reverberated around the cavernous walls. The brothers, including the Doctor’s pursuers, turned to face the altar where the masked figure in purple now stood rooted to the spot, arms upraised in a supplicating gesture.
    â€˜Brothers, look!’ he cried, ‘our prayers are answered... our temple is restored.’
    As the Doctor watched, the broken rocky masses which formed the chamber walls began to shimmer and pulsate and the ghostly outline of a beautiful, pillared temple complete in every detail filled the chamber. Then the Doctor heard a familiar whining noise and the glowing red sphere of Mandragora Energy descended through the roof of the cavern, and engulfed the altar in a dazzling blaze of light.
    â€˜What is it? What’s happening?’ whispered a tiny weak voice in the Doctor’s ear. He turned to see Sarah, her eyes half open in an effort to regain consciousness. Thankful to be able to release her weight from his arms he lowered her carefully to the ground.
    â€˜It seems our own little bit of the Mandragora Helix has finally got here, Sarah.’
    As he spoke the light around the altar faded. It was as if the stone slab had somehow absorbed the Energy.
    â€˜Time to leave,’ whispered the Doctor. Taking Sarah’s arm he led her on tiptoe out of the chamber.
    Behind them the attention of the assembled brethren was still diverted as they gazed with awe upon their restored temple. Plucking up courage
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