Doctor Who: The Masque of the Mandragora

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Book: Doctor Who: The Masque of the Mandragora Read Online Free PDF
Author: Philip Hinchcliffe
Tags: Science-Fiction:Doctor Who
astonished pikemen and landed with a thud on the back of the nearest horse. With one blow he swept the rider from his saddle and dug his heels into the horse’s flanks. The startled animal reared violently and bolted like a bullet from a gun.
    Scattering onlookers and guards alike the Doctor hurtled towards the nearest exit from the square. Blocking his path were two pikemen and a mounted soldier but the Doctor’s steed vaulted the long pointed staves like a champion hurdler and, landing expertly, wheeled round past the remaining guard who was too surprised to move.
    â€˜Fools! Stop him!’ screamed Federico at the top of his voice. Tumbling over themselves in haste the remaining guards gave chase. But the Doctor had a head start and was already out of sight and racing through the cobbled streets like a man possessed. He knew it would be foolish to try and outrace his pursuers over any great distance. Ahead a low parapet ran along one side of the street. He quickly reined in the horse and jumped from the saddle. Then, giving the gallant animal a good slap on the rump, he swung over the parapet and waited, knowing the growing darkness would help protect him. Seconds later the clattering hooves of the pursuing troop thundered by inches from his head. He remained perfectly still until sure they were gone, then let out his breath and looked around. Below him was a drop of about twelve feet onto a paved terrace. Although it was growing dark, he could make out a number of paths leading from the terrace into a maze of wooden arbours and grottos. He guessed it must be part of the palace gardens. No doubt the Guard would start searching there very shortly, but at least the trees would afford him some cover. He dropped nimbly onto the terrace, and set off down a narrow winding path.
    He had travelled no more than a couple of hundred yards when he heard voices calling out on either side of him. He could see the flicker of torchlight through the trees. The search parties were out quicker than he had anticipated. He hesitated, not knowing which way to turn.
    Suddenly, two pikemen appeared on the pathway ahead. They let out a cry and began running towards him. In desperation the Doctor dived off the path and down a bushy slope. He slithered and stumbled to the bottom only to discover he was trapped in a dark stone grotto. Apart from the slope he had just come down there was no exit. He was walled in on all sides by what looked like ancient ruins. The excited yells of the pikemen grew nearer. He was cornered like a rat in a hole.
    Then an extraordinary thing happened. As the Doctor’s back pressed against the rough stonework he felt the wall behind him move! He spun round and sure enough a gap had appeared in the masonry the height of a door. He pushed against the wall with both hands, and it swung open to reveal a narrow flight of steps leading into the ground. Unable to believe his good fortune the Doctor stepped smartly through the door, and heaved it back into place behind him.
    Moments later the two pikemen arrived on the other side. The Doctor could hear their astonished conversation through the wall.
    â€˜I swear he came in here,’ said the first, ‘and there’s no way out! Are we chasing a phantom?’
    â€˜Or a worshipper of Demnos?’ whispered the second, fear creeping into his voice. ‘Those devils know a hundred secret ways through the city.’
    â€˜A passage? Quick then, let’s find the trick!’
    The Doctor held his breath as the first pikeman began to push and prod at the stonework.
    â€˜No Giovanni,’ said the other restraining his companion. ‘I’d not venture into those catacombs for all the gold in Rome. I know men who’ve tried and never been seen again! ‘
    There was a pause and the first pikeman muttered something the Doctor did not catch. He must have been convinced by his companion’s reasoning
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