Do Or Die [Nuworld 4]

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Book: Do Or Die [Nuworld 4] Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lorie O'Claire
definitely change my name if I were you. Lara is a
    Runner name.”

    “You know an awful lot about Runners.” Ana studied Lara for a moment and the
    two women met each other’s gaze and held them. “Lara, where are you from?” she
    dared to ask.
    Lara studied her a moment longer before reaching for the coffeepot and refilling her
    cup. Ana didn’t dare break the silence. She’d dared to ask the question and now she
    would wait to see if she would get an answer.
    “I don’t know if you’d believe me if I told you.”
    “Try me.”
    “I’m a Runner.” Ana choked on her coffee and looked up at Lara as if for the first
    time. She no longer looked foreboding—there was something about the she-witch cape
    that offered that aura. She looked obsessed. Obsessed with a cause that Ana had yet to
    “What clan are you from?” She figured she’d go for broke until Lara refused to
    “I’m not from a clan. I wasn’t raised a Runner.” Lara kicked at the fire and
    suddenly looked very bitter. “How about you? Where are you from?”
    Ana was ready with her answer. “I’m from the Tree People nation.”
    “From the other side of the mountains?”
    “You’ve heard of us?”
    “Not really. I just heard of the name of the race.”
    Ana nodded, relieved she didn’t have to test her memory and provide more
    “What do we want with this clan?” She tried to sound indifferent as she now
    reached to refill her mug.
    “Merchandise.” Lara’s sultry tone returned and the glow in her eyes came back.
    “We’ve got a large order to fill.”
    Ana stood and stretched, suddenly in the mood for a nap. They were going to steal
    weapons and clothing from this clan site and then return north to sell them. She sighed
    deeply and Lara stood as well, walking around the fire to look at her head-on.
    “You aren’t having second thoughts, are you?” She studied Ana’s face.
    “No.” Ana shrugged indifferently. “There’s nothing else to do right now. When do
    we have to have the stuff to your guy?”
    “Day after tomorrow. If we’re left alone today then tonight we’ll scope out the site,
    find what we need and be out of here.”
    “And if we’re not left alone?”
    Lara didn’t answer.
    They were left alone, although Ana was sure the clan knew they were there. The
    Blood Circle Clan would definitely know of anyone camping around their clan site. The
    moon was full and directly above them when they took off on one glider toward the

    clan site. Lara knew without Ana saying a word which trailer was the arsenal. It was
    easily detected by its lack of windows and square shape, as opposed to the rounded
    trailers Runners lived in. What Ana wasn’t prepared for was that the guards on duty
    knew Lara and were ready for her arrival. The contents of the trailer were loaded onto
    two jeeps and then the guards followed Lara and Ana back to their trailers.
    “My adrenaline’s pumped.” Lara grinned and stretched once the supplies were
    loaded into her trailer and the guards had left. She hadn’t suggested any of the weapons
    be stored in Ana’s trailer and Ana didn’t suggest they should put any of it in there. “Are
    you ready to head out? There’s no way I could sleep now.”
    “That sounds fine with me,” Ana said as she stifled a yawn. She wasn’t sure she
    could see straight to drive but she wanted to get away from this clan site as quickly as
    Over the next several weeks Lara and Ana traveled through snowstorms and bitter
    winds from one town to the next supplying merchandise to interested parties. Not all of
    Lara’s “transactions” involved stolen Runner equipment. Ana realized her partner in
    crime provided other items on demand and she wondered if Lara had always been a
    petty thief. Her boredom with the scene was becoming apparent to Lara and she
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