Do Or Die [Nuworld 4]

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Book: Do Or Die [Nuworld 4] Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lorie O'Claire
a good idea. In fact, she couldn’t have prayed for a better turn of
    events. Lara wouldn’t look for Ana until the morning and that would be plenty of time
    for Ana to locate a landlink and contact home. Besides, she had a pretty good idea who
    these mysterious Gothman were and who they were actually trailing.
    Ana pulled out of Mogsven and began traveling south. She traveled on the main
    road so her tire tracks wouldn’t be overly noticeable in the packed snow. By the time it
    was dark she had reached the smaller town of Ransboot, a small trading community
    with only a few stores and no tavern. Obviously, not a town that would appeal to Lara.

    She donned the Runner outfit Lara had been generous enough to leave with her and
    pulled her heavy leather coat up around her ears as she exited her trailer and hurried
    into the heart of the town. No one knew of any Gothman in the area but she did learn
    that the Red Star Clan was camped twenty-some miles south of there. They were a
    small clan who had become strongly devoted to the teachings of Crator. Surely there
    would be no corrupt Runners among this clan.
    She drove her trailer within several miles of the clan site until she found a hiding
    place nestled deep within trees and rocks where she felt comfortable leaving it
    unattended for a while. Once again, as she secured a small tote bag to her glider, she
    had the eerie sensation that she was being watched. Instinctively, she patted the laser
    attached to her belt and hidden by her jacket. Twilight made it difficult to distinguish
    shapes among the trees, and she wondered if Andru or Gilroy were actually trailing
    her. If so, then why didn’t they make their presence known? Not that she wanted to see
    either one of them ever again.
    “Identify yourself.” The guard on duty held a beam up to Ana, blinding her as she
    drove her glider forward slowly.
    “I’m Ana, daughter of Tara of the Blood Circle Clan.” Ana parked her glider and
    dismounted, the customary politeness offered when a Runner approached a new clan
    “You’re welcome to share you stories around the fires.” The older guard nodded to
    her, indicating she could walk her glider into the clan site. To ride into the clan was
    considered discourteous and could be viewed as an act of aggression.
    Ana nodded in response and pushed her glider within ten feet or so of the nearest
    bonfire, parked it, then walked up closer, holding her hands out to the warmth.
    “Welcome, stranger,” a tall well-built man said jovially. “I don’t recognize you. Are
    you new to our clan site?”
    She eyed the brown eyes that studied her in return through the Runner headscarf.
    He smiled at her, obviously liking what he saw, and then turned and gestured to an
    older man who immediately brought her a hot drink. With one sniff she could tell the
    coffee was laced with a type of brandy and sipped appreciatively.
    “I’m Ana of the Blood Circle Clan and I just got here. I’m working my way south
    back to my clan site for the new winter celebration but the weather isn’t helping much. I
    thought I’d seek out food and lodging if it’s available.”
    “I’m sure we can accommodate.” He smiled at her again and then lifted his mug to
    her in a silent toast. “I’m Mog, son of Redo, and leader of the Red Star Clan. Are you
    Ana, daughter of Tara?”
    “The one and only.” She smiled and enjoyed the warming sensation the hot, laced
    drink offered.
    Mog gestured for her to follow and she fell into stride next to him and battled the
    winds that picked up quickly as they walked silently toward a group of trailers. There

    was nothing that made Mog’s trailer stand out from any of the other trailers…a
    common practice so no enemy could single out the leader of the clan.
    “I use this as my conference trailer but it has all the amenities of home. You’re
    welcome to consider it your home away
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