Divine Mortals

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Book: Divine Mortals Read Online Free PDF
Author: J Allison
of each. The counter lay against the far wall, manned by three cowgirl themed waitresses complete with stetsons and pig tails, their blue checker shirts matching perfectly with the table cloths.
    I glanced down at my watch, nope I hadn’t stepped back in time, this insane get up was actually happening here and now.
    We squeezed gingerly between the tight packed tables to order, there were only four other people eating, it wasn’t exactly prime dining time.
    Ordering cheese burgers we took stools at the counter.
    “So you must love getting to see Robert everyday huh?” Sally cooed, confirming my earlier suspicions.
    “I haven’t really spoken to him,” I admitted, “He seems a little, well, rude.”
    Sally seemed happy to hear this, obviously crossing me from her list of potential competition, although looking at her I didn’t think it would be much of a competition.
    “Oh no, he’s not rude,” she answered, immediately jumping to his defense,
    “He’s just shy I’m sure of it, there’s a dance coming up, the Ranchers Ball, I’m hoping he’ll ask me.”
    I realized then that I had just been put on my guard, the underlying meaning was strong,
Hands off, I saw him first
    I’d only exchanged two words with Robert but I already knew that Sally was holding out for the impossible, I was more than happy to concede.
    “So how do you know him?” I asked, it was my turn to dig now and Sally seemed to love the subject, she obviously had an absolute crush on him.
    “Oh I’ve seen him a few times when he’s come over to our place, he helps my brothers with our musters occasionally, isn’t he just… Hot!” She smiled, all lip gloss and pink cheeks.
    Okay I was starting to think perhaps it was more of an obsession than a crush, it was also starting to sound like Sally had only said a handful more words to Robert then I had.
    At this point in time from what little I knew about Sally, her obsession with Robert seemed to be her one character flaw, and a subject to be avoided, unless I was looking for something to put me to sleep.
    I had to agree though, there was something about Robert that made you stop, it was more than his looks, something about him drew you in, his posture, his presence? I wasn’t sure.
    So I nodded, acknowledging her sad crush before being happily interrupted by the arrival of our burgers, this gave me the chance to change the subject back to school. I wanted all the info I could get, I wanted to be prepared even though it was still weeks until classes went back. Sally didn’t seem to have a bad thing to say about anyone, she was very happy go lucky, talking about herself a bit, but considering her good looks she was more grounded then I had expected when I first saw her.
    “So do you think you’ll like it here?” she asked, dabbing her mouth with a napkin as she finished.
    I was thoughtful for a moment.
    “I honestly don’t know,” I put down the last of my burger, too full to finish, “I guess I’ll have to wait and see how it pans out, it’s so different from Chicago, I’ve only ever lived in a city and everything here moves so, well, slowly.”
    Sally was nodding, although her eyes didn’t seem to comprehend, I guess she found it just as hard to imagine living in a city as I did living here.
    We paid for our food and headed back out to her car and she chattered happily without much prompting most of the way back to River Stone.
    “I’m so glad you’re here!” she exclaimed as we pulled in front of my grandparents once more,
    “It will be nice to have another girl at school this year.”
    “Thanks for the ride.” I answered opening the door, “It’s been a great afternoon, you should come visit again, perhaps we could go for a swim?”
    “That sounds great,” she sounded more than excited, I wondered if it was the prospect of swimming with me or the opportunity to run into Robert again. I didn’t have to wait long to get my answer, I was about to say goodbye when she
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