R.I.P Robbie Silva
a miracle, I need a miracle ...

    * * * *

    Over the fence I did a quick recce of where we were. There was little or no room for manoeuvre, I knew that. I figured getting onto Gorgie Road would be our best bet. Would fucking have to be, we had nothing else going. I had a mate in the Dalry area; figured if I could at least get to a payphone I could bell him for a pick-up.
    Moosey owed me.
    We ' d been cellmates a few years back, but Moosey had started his stretch off in the worst possible way. He was a swooper – one of those cons that case the yard for fag dowps, dropping like gulls on them. I had to tell him straight if he carried on like that he ' d never develop any cred, would likely end his days in there as some fat cunt ' s bitch. He got the message, eventually. But Moosey was one of those dafties you really needed to look after; like I say, he owed me.
    When we hit Gorgie Road I tried to convince Gail that we needed to look as casual as possible.
    ' Grab my waist. '
    ' Eh? '
    I put an arm round her. I was smiling, a wide-old grin, was trying to look the part. ' Snuggle up, hon. ' After my earlier outburst the poor girl still didn ' t know whether she was about to get a slap. I said, ' We need to look the part ... The filth ' s flying about all over the shop. '
    I was still sweating, felt the shooter slipping in my waistband as the moisture collected there. I tried to nudge it into place by contracting my stomach. Last thing I needed was a gun slipping onto the pavement and blowing the scene.
    We got as far as a little Chinese carry-out place that was open for the lunch-time shift. Slipped in and prayed for a phone, nearly felt ready to kiss the little dude behind the counter when I saw the yellow payphone on the wall.
    I popped in a few coins.
    More ringing.
    ' Christ, Moosey ... pick the fucking phone up. '
    The Chinese bloke slit his eyes at me. I smiled back, turned away. I knew he was getting suspicious. I nodded Gail towards the menu board. She took the hint.
    ' Hello ... ' It was Moosey.
    ' Moosey, mate ... how y ' doing, there? '
    ' Jed ... that you? '
    ' Aye, the very same. Look can ' t talk right now. Need a bit of a lift, in a hurry like. '
    A gap on the line. Moosey ' s voice came back low and flat. ' This a lift lift or are you up to your nuts in something there, Jed? '
    I turned back to the counter; the Chinese bloke had gone out the back. ' Look, Moosey, I need a fucking pick-up on Gorgie Road, now! ... You fucking owe me, so move your arse. '
    ' I don ' t know, mate. I mean ... '
    I upped the ante. ' Look, Moosey, there ' s a nice drink in it for you. I ' m at the Chinese ... ' I looked at the menu. ' Red Dragon. '
    There was a gap on the line, then a sigh. ' Aye, okay. But I ' m not driving you anywhere. I ' ll leave the keys in and then you ' re on your own. '
    ' No worries. What kind of motor is it? '
    ' Dunno ... ' he paused for breath, sparked up a tab, ' haven ' t nicked it yet. '

    * * * *

    The Chinese bloke made a reappearance. I made a big effort to get on his good side right from the off, ordered up a chicken chow mein, barbecue spare ribs and a few tubs of rice, prawn crackers, shit like that. He jotted the lot down, shoved the order chit through a latch at the back of the shop.
    'Fifteen minutes,' he said.
    I nodded, turned back to Gail. She had a sour look on her puss. She twitched as two more police cars, sirens wailing, sped up the road. I put a hand on her arm; she pulled away.
    'Look, we're half-way there.'
    She stared me down, said nowt.
    I tried again. 'A mate of mine's coming out. He's dropping us off a set of wheels, then we're going to get out of here.'
    She didn't buy it. I felt like leaving her to it. I mean, this had all been her doing. But I knew I had to front it out; hadn't bailed on a crew yet, even if it was a bullshit one like this.
    As Gail sat there, head down towards the floor, I caught sight of an expression I thought I'd seen before. It was on Jody; she wore
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