Discovery (Science of Psionics Book #1)
follow the little stream that wound its way up the
    Gaining confidence, I slowly increased my
speed. Following the gurgling stream up higher, I enjoyed the
tranquility of the mountain which was broken only by bird song or
the occasional chatter of a startled squirrel. I had rarely gone
this way, due to the roughness of the trail leading up to it, but
what was difficult on the ground, was easy when above it.
    As I rounded the last bend and it came into
view, I paused for a moment to savor the sight of the water
sparkling in the sunlight. The serene feeling that had been
building inside me on my journey here suddenly faded as it dawned
on me… I wasn’t just getting the idea from my dream, this was the dream: right in front of me was the mama dear with
her baby, drinking from the pool. I waited for it, and yes, the doe
suddenly raised her head, looking at me and tensed, preparing for
    With much wonderment and more than a little
trepidation, I gave myself over and said the words I had spoken in
my dream. “ Peace, little darling, I won’t hurt you .” The
deer looked at me for a moment longer before resuming her drinking.
My heart soared with joy and amazement that such a beautiful dream
could be reality.
    As a young girl, I’d had the not-uncommon
brushes with déjà vu, so really this wasn’t too much different. I
could wrap my mind around this, I was sure of it. I slowly lowered
myself down to the close edge of the pool where it started to
tumble down as the stream which I had followed. I took a drink,
then stretched out and closed my eyes, luxuriating in the feel of
the hot sunlight on my body.
    That might not have been the best decision.
My brain immediately kicked in and a sense of panic began to grow
inside me. This was simply not normal. Suddenly, I badly wanted to
go back home. I was scared of the implications of what just
happened, and needed the security of my own four walls around me.
As soon as my legs felt like they would support me, I started off
down the trail.
    I had barely gotten a dozen steps along the
way when my feet flew out from under me as I stepped on a slippery
patch of mud. Flailing my arms, I braced myself for hitting the
rocky ground, but found myself floating a few scant inches short of
impact. I had instinctively saved myself from the fall by using
this strange new ability. No longer trusting my feet to a path made
treacherous from the storm, I raised myself to vertical and
carefully floated my way back down.
    By the time I arrived back at home I had
calmed down a bit, although I found that my thoughts were no less
chaotic. I stepped inside, kicked off my boots, and grabbed a
bottle of water from the fridge. After guzzling about a third of
the bottle, I put the cap back on and wandered over to the office
to see how Mark was making out with his research.
    “Hey babe,” he said, turning toward me as I
stepped into the room. “That was a lot quicker than I thought. I
figured you would be gone until at least mid-afternoon.”
    “What can I say; I just flew up the
mountainside … literally.”
    He threw me a sharp glance and said “Sounds
fun, but we really should take this slowly and carefully. There’s
no telling what kind of danger or cost is involved in doing this
kind of stuff. No work can be performed without using energy of
some kind.”
    “That’s real world physics, and this is
magic. The rules may not apply.”
    “I refuse to believe in something that
ignores basic laws of nature,” he replied with scorn. “We may not
yet know the rules of this stuff, but thermodynamics is universal,
and therefore has to somehow apply.”
    “By definition, laws of nature cannot apply
to that which is unnatural,” I countered.
    “All systems follow rules, and I refuse to
believe that psionics, however unnatural they may seem to us now,
don’t follow at least similar rules to that which we know. We just
have to figure them out.”
    “Well genius, figure this one out,” I
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