Discovery (Science of Psionics Book #1)
and then related to him my experiences up the mountain and how they
so closely mirrored my dream.
    He sat still for a minute with a look of deep
concentration on his face before turning back to his computer and
pulling up a website that he had bookmarked. After the site loaded,
he scrolled down a few pages, and then paused to read. He nodded
his head after a moment, and then scrolled the web page a bit more
before pausing to read again.
    Finally turning back to me, he said “The
first part, dreaming about what you would do before it happened,
would appear to be clairvoyance or precognition. Also in there,
would probably be telepathy with the deer, or animal mind speech to
be more specific.” He thought for a moment. “This would mean that
our abilities are not just limited to the kinetic lines of
psionics, but are of a much broader spectrum.”
    “Oh good,” I said with heavy sarcasm coloring
my voice. “I do so hate to be limited to the same boring old
    “The disturbing part,” he continued unfazed,
“is that you have demonstrated multiple times that you are using
the ability without conscious thought. You dreamed the events of
this morning while still asleep, as well as levitating. You also
calmed the deer without trying, and you stopped yourself from a
fall.” Pondering a moment, he said “I guess that I used it like
that as well, when it first happened with the coffee cup
    “Out of all that happened to us today, why is
that the most disturbing part?”
    “It bothers me more not that we can do
these things, but that we can do them subconsciously. Trying to
pretend that these powers don’t exist won’t work. Sooner or later
we would do something by reflex and the secret would be out. If
we’re out in public and get startled, we might automatically react
and do something stupid. We’ll need to discuss that in more detail
later, but for right now, my gut instinct is to tell nobody about
this unless we’re both completely sure they can be trusted.”
    “Yeah, I don’t particularly relish the
thought of being called psycho or freak. What do you think our next
step should be?”
    “I think we should spend some time trying to
carefully figure out the limits of what we can do. We should work
on mastering control of the abilities, but slowly in case it’s like
working a new set of muscles. Perhaps after that, we could try to
perform a few of the other psionic abilities on the list that I
collected from my searches. Then we can decide what we want to do
about sharing our secrets.”
    “Sounds like a reasonable plan, when do we
start?” I asked.
    “Give me fifteen minutes or so to finish
looking through these last few links that I have open, and then we
can give it a go.”
    “In that case, I’ll go put together some
lunch for us.”
    “Just make sure to do it by hand,” he
admonished. “We need to be logical and thorough before we do
something we might regret.”
    I stuck my tongue out at him as I turned to
walk away, but I silently agreed with him. I wasn’t totally
convinced that the dangers he was worried about were real, but I
trusted his instincts. They had served him well for all the years
he was doing research and development up in Canada.
    I quickly put a substantial lunch platter
together for us consisting of sandwiches, fruit, a bag of chips,
and a couple of sodas. Walking back to the office, I saw that Mark
was still bent over his computer doing his research, so I put the
tray on the table next to him and fixed myself up a plate to take
back to my chair. “Eat up. The web will still be there if you look
away for a few minutes,” I said, putting action to words as I took
a bite of my own sandwich.
    Nodding agreement, he turned his attention to
the tray and quickly inhaled his lunch with the same single minded
intensity that he gave to his research. “There’s a lot of
interesting information on psionics that I’ve read so far. If
circumstances were a little bit
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