that it was quite a few more sleeps before he started his new school and it was just another nursery day today. Suppose I should be grateful he’s looking forward to it. Must make a wall chart to cross off the days - that way the time span might mean more to him.
Dropped him off at nursery and came back to tackle the mounting washing. Lou called from Scotland at about 11, so a good excuse to sit down with a coffee.
“I’m tellin’ yeh , Lib, I’m bloody sick of never having spare dosh. It’s the same old thing month after month. ‘Which credit card shall we use to make up the mortgage shortfall this time?’ Or, ‘What shall we do today? Ah yes, go to the park and freeze our bollocks off for a change’. I’d never have moved back here if I’d thought it’d be this bad. D’yeh know, Cam’s lucky if he clears 250 a week at the moment. It’s no life for anyone. We’ll be on gruel and bread and dripping by the time you come for your hols.”
I so sympathise with them - they’ve not had it easy since they returned to their hometown to be closer to Lou’s ageing parents.
“S’ppose you’re rolling in it, with Ned in his city job?”
Lou seems to have forgotten how expensive it is to live in London, and that not everyone who works in the Square Mile is a loaded hedge fund manager - not to mention that a big chunk of Ned’s salary will be going on the fees now.
“And you’re such a lucky bitch having Max starting school in September. I’ve still got another year to wait before Finn goes. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be, is it? This full time Mum lark?”
I suggested that maybe she could get a part time job when Finn eventually went to school.
“Oh yeah, great! Minimum wage at the local Co-op? No, I’m still thinking about training to be a piano tuner though. Hear there’s always business up in the big houses. Anyway betta dash, got to go and chop more veg for ma broth - how much excitement can ma poor ticker stand? Love yeh.”
God, I hope she’s cheered up by the time we see them in July or I’ll be hitting the whisky and running for the hills.
Collected Max from nursery and NM was outside handing out invites to Perry’s birthday party, announcing very loudly, “Of course, I left the decisions entirely up to Perry because he knows who he wants to celebrate with. So, I hope some of you won’t be too disappointed.”
Wasn’t in the slightest bit bothered when Max didn’t receive one - just hoped he wasn’t. Don’t understand why she can’t invite the whole class like everyone else, though. Probably because she’s such a skinflint and only wants a low key, sandwiches, jelly and pass the parcel party for five! If it wasn’t for the fact that only Perry would get hurt, I’d have a good mind to invite the whole class to Max’s party minus him but, thankfully, I’m bigger and better than that. Besides, life is long and there’ll be plenty of other ways to punish the horrid woman.
As I walked past her, I couldn’t help noticing she had a few rather unsightly whiskers growing on her chin - obviously preparing early for Halloween.
Walked home and, to my relief, found that Max wasn’t at all fazed about the snub.
“Oh no Mummy, I don’t mind. Anyway Perry’s got crawly things on his head and I got a letter home to say you need to have a look at mine.”
Sent up a silent prayer that we’d be a lice free zone and then had to have a little chuckle when I imagined NM’s horror that Perfect Perry was in fact, lousy!
Funny how such little things can make your day! Skipped the rest of the way home, just me and my boy.
Waved to Pritesh as he arrived to visit his mum. Mmm … quite a cute bottom.
After much searching, I’ve declared us lice free. Although I think Dog & Co may have their own freeloaders.
Buy flea
Adriana Hunter, Carmen Cross