Dhungwana 2117: A captivating sci-fi novel: The Dhungwana Chronicles (2117-3451) Part 1

Dhungwana 2117: A captivating sci-fi novel: The Dhungwana Chronicles (2117-3451) Part 1 Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Dhungwana 2117: A captivating sci-fi novel: The Dhungwana Chronicles (2117-3451) Part 1 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Baibin Nighthawk
    “I see, but that’s against the law... ” Dayla murmured.
    “First off, it’s not really barter; and secondly, let me say that they only advise against barter as so often happens with these economic issues. There isn’t a real ban” Brittons replied.
    “But I cannot explain the barter, I don’t see the need for it... I wonder if the Glaucous Energy Corp. is consolidated with BlueGray.” urged Dayla.
    Blake Brittons moved backwards in his chair, giving Dayla the impression he was uncomfortable.
    “No” he replied. “Don’t let any strange, nonexistent and dangerous ideas come into your head. I have already told you that it’s not really barter.”
    “And then what is it?” Dayla continued unabated.
    “They are loans of raw materials and semi-finished products. In this way we stabilize the market price: the magnitude of the global market requires such agreements in order to survive in a climate of perpetual stagflation, offsetting the distribution of raw materials finalized on Earth thirty years ago” the man answered, but this time his tone was unconvincing.
    “If there isn’t anything else, I must go. I have an appointment outside the office. If you need more information, you’ll find me back in my office at 9.00 pm.”
    “Ah… okay. Are you changing your habits?” Dayla said, standing up and holding out her right hand.
    Brittons Blake shook her hand “My dear, it’s down to old age: I prefer to take a few hours rest in the afternoon if possible, and then continue working after dinner. I always have so much to do! Let me know when you stay late in the office next time, I’ll give you a lift home.”
    “Thanks Blake, you're always very kind. See you in a couple of days.”
    Dayla smiled and walked out of the meeting room to go back to her office. Blake Brittons had lied; Dayla now knew that she could no longer trust him.

    At 12.45 am Nathan Chungle burst into Dayla’s office, his face drawn with a frightened expression, holding a book in his hand.
    “I’m Nathan Chungle, Ms Erle” he said, putting the book on her desk.
    “How did you pass the security scanners? What do you want here?” she asked, terrified at the expression on the man’s face.
    “Don’t be afraid, I'm here for an Executive meeting ... I guess you have been asking yourself some questions about BlueGray Corporation since the other evening... Here is my last message to the Investor Relations Manager... I leave you this antique book. Link the numbers to the letters, you’ll understand. You are the right person.” Chungle turned and abruptly left Dayla’s office.
    A few minutes later Dayla heard a dull rumble that shook the entire building, coming from upstairs.
    She ran up the stairs to the 305th floor where they were holding a meeting with the corporation’s key executives. She saw a lot of smoke and heard screams coming from down the corridor.
    She tried to get closer but was pulled back by a security agent, who told her to leave the building immediately because there was an evacuation drill. It was about to be announced to all employees.
    Dayla was dumbfounded. She had caught a glimpse of some wounded people in the hallway and the smoke, which had now partially dissipated, revealed bloodied bodies on the ground and a large, gaping hole in the wall as if a bomb had exploded.
    She didn’t even have time to ask for an explanation before another security agent escorted her down the stairs to the exit of the building.
    Dayla found herself outside with other employees and security staff who gave instructions on how to report their physical safety using their wristsynks, advising everyone to follow standard procedure and to go home without obstructing the work of the agents and rescuers.
    Still frightened by what she had seen, and remembering Chungle’s last words, Dayla arrived breathless at her house and found Ian already there, he’d been sent home, too.
    “Ian... it was awful... I think
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