Dhungwana 2117: A captivating sci-fi novel: The Dhungwana Chronicles (2117-3451) Part 1

Dhungwana 2117: A captivating sci-fi novel: The Dhungwana Chronicles (2117-3451) Part 1 Read Online Free PDF

Book: Dhungwana 2117: A captivating sci-fi novel: The Dhungwana Chronicles (2117-3451) Part 1 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Baibin Nighthawk
Nathan Chungle detonated a bomb during the Executive meeting! He came into my office earlier to give me a book!” Dayla said as soon as she saw him.
    “Who? What are you talking about?”
    “The Control Deputy Director, the one who failed his probation period... He killed several people. I saw dead and wounded people and a huge hole in the wall!”
    “Relax” smiled Ian reassuringly: “it was just a realistic simulation. Don’t worry!”
    “And Chungle?”
    “Maybe he just happened to be there; obviously they had summoned him for some reason... if not, how could he pass through security without being stopped? Calm down now. It was just a coincidence. Would you like some tea? Forget about the corporation, and let's enjoy this unexpected afternoon off. And tonight I sleep here” Ian replied smiling, without attaching any importance to the question of the book Chungle had left with Dayla.

    The next morning, when Dayla arrived at the BlueGray Corporation, she immediately went up to the 305th floor to check what had actually happened.
    She walked down the corridors and went into the conference room where she thought the bomb had exploded, but she didn’t notice anything strange: the walls were clean and undamaged and the floor didn’t look damaged. Then she went to the office of Daniel Vaures, an executive who should have been present at the meeting the previous day, but found no one.
    As she went back to her office she met Anne, Brittons’ secretary.
    “Good morning, Anne. Did you happen to see Vaures? I needed some clarification from him.”
    “What...? Haven’t you read the infonews? Vaures, and three others I don’t know, have all been promoted and were transferred out yesterday, after that evacuation drill, to North East Dhungwana to open a new BlueGray Corporation business unit. They’ll be working there for at least a year, if all goes well.”
    “Damn! I must have missed it... thanks, Anne. See you soon for a coffee… let’s keep in touch!” answered Dayla. She immediately checked the infonews and found confirmation of what Anne had just said.
    Dayla was now convinced that it had been a counterterrorism exercise, so she descended to the 304th floor and quietly returned to her office.
    On her desk she saw the book Chungle had left her: a copy of Brave New World , a science fiction novel by Aldous Huxley, published in 1932.
    Dayla began to leaf through its pages. On page 157 she found some letters circled in green, she linked each letter to the corresponding number and got what looked like a code of 8 numbers: 57832004.
    She put the book in her bag, promising herself to read the novel since she had no idea what that code could be used for, or if it actually made any sense.

    Ian Lonvell was at a working dinner with other molecular biologists, all attending the annual conference of Applied Biotechnology, which was being held at the Hall of Science at the University in District 604.
    As he was eating a slice of coffee cake, he noted with distress that his wristsynk was no longer on his wrist.
    “What time is it, please?” he asked a colleague who was sitting beside him.
    “It’s 10.19 pm” the man replied.
    “I have to leave, otherwise it will be too late and the entrances will be blocked!” Ian said, jumping up from his chair.
    “What happened, Ian?” his colleague asked, alarmed.
    “I must have forgotten my wristsynk at the lab, and I have to make sure that it is still there. If it’s not there, it means that I have lost it or that someone has stolen it!” Ian said, shaking his colleague’s hand.
    “Good luck!” shouted the biologist, but Ian was already at the back of the room and about to leave.
    Twenty minutes later Ian Lonvell entered his lab at BlueGray Corporation, put his jacket on a chair and began to scan the laboratory with his eyes.
    The wristsynk was next to the workstation: relieved, Ian picked it up and put it back on his wrist as he checked that it
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