Desperately Seeking Heaven

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Book: Desperately Seeking Heaven Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jill Steeples
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, Paranormal
more captivating than I could ever have imagined.
    It was all I could do to stop myself from screaming, ‘Oh my God, Lexie, have you clocked the pecs on that!’
    Instead I did another quick glance between Lexie and Jimmy and said, involuntarily, ‘Lexie.’
    ‘Yeah?’ she quickly countered.
    This was freaky. She must be able to see him, to catch the smile currently hovering on his lips, to hear his warm nut-brown voice ricocheting off the small walls of my flat. But she was totally oblivious to his overpowering physical presence.
    ‘Oh, I’ll just get ready then and we’ll go shall we?’
    ‘Great. You don’t mind if I switch on the telly while I’m waiting, do you?’
    ‘No. You go ahead,’ I said, backing out of the room as I watched Jimmy join my sister on the sofa. What she’d think about having an almost naked sex idol rubbing thighs with her, I didn’t want to imagine.
    ‘She looks nothing like you, does she?’ he called, throwing a glance my way.
    I shrugged and threw a glare back. What did he expect me to say?
    ‘Won’t be long!’ Even I could hear the note of hysterical desperation in my voice.
    To be honest, I couldn’t wait to get out of the flat. Less than sixteen hours ago Jimmy and I had been strangers. And now we were in the unenviable position of being stuck with each other for goodness knows how long. Like being fixed up on a blind date and knowing from the off that it was a non-starter, but still having to sit through the entire evening making polite conversation.
    I was in and out of the shower in a jiffy, threw on some jeans and my favourite pink jersey top and applied a quick covering of brown mascara to my lashes, a dab of bronzer to my cheeks and a lick of gloss to my lips.
    ‘OK, let’s go,’ I said, grabbing my handbag, but it seemed Lexie wasn’t about to go anywhere.
    ‘God, it’s unbelievable, isn’t it?’ she said, zapping the TV off with the remote control and sighing exaggeratedly.
    I was beginning to think, uncharitably, that Jimmy was revelling in all this attention. He looked across at me, a smug look upon his face and shrugged his shoulders.
    ‘What?’ I said, not really needing to ask the question.
    ‘Jimmy Mack. Dying like that. So suddenly. Who’d have thought it?’
    ‘Hmm, I know, it’s very sad,’ I sighed, trying my best to muster up some sympathy, but to be frank I was all sympathied out. Especially when the object of my sister’s sympathy was sitting right next to her wearing next to nothing, seemingly enjoying the fact that we were deep in discussion about him.
    ‘You just wonder what really happened, don’t you?’
    ‘It doesn’t bear thinking about really.’ I sighed. ‘He probably just lost control at the wheel.’
    ‘Hmm, it’s a bit odd though, isn’t it? I mean the road and weather conditions were perfect so what caused him to come off the road like that? We probably don’t know the half of it yet. Maybe he was into drink or drugs.’
    ‘Oh pleeaaase,’ Jimmy said so vehemently I was sure Lexie would hear.
    ‘I don’t think so,’ I said. ‘He didn’t seem the type.’
    Jimmy nodded approvingly.
    ‘A lot of those celebrities are, you know. Perhaps he’d been at some drink and drugs-fuelled orgy and it sent him over the edge. Or maybe he was involved in some sordid sex scandal that was about to be exposed to the world and he topped himself.’
    ‘Good grief, does your sister make a habit of slagging off poor unsuspecting celebrities? I’ve never touched drugs in my life. OK, so maybe I like the odd glass of champagne. Who doesn’t? But I certainly hadn’t been drinking that day. Really!’ He chewed on the inside of his lip, shaking his head at Lexie. ‘Put her straight, would you, before I do her for defamation of character.’
    I smiled, feeling thankful now that Lexie wasn’t aware of Jimmy’s overpowering near-naked presence after all.
    ‘Jimmy was the real housewives’ favourite. He couldn’t be seen to be
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