Desire Uncaged: An MMA Romance

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Book: Desire Uncaged: An MMA Romance Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ina Anielka
contacted her at all. She had been silent the first few days. Then she had sent him a message on social media and over text. They had started innocuous, but soon grew pleading, then angry, then threatening. Ethan was too broke to hire a lawyer, but he came close to calling the cops at the worst of it. He had never known her to be like this. Some part of it worried him.
    For the past two weeks, it seemed to have tapered off. Ethan selfishly hoped Emily had found some other poor guy to torture. Some of his friends had remarked that she had contacted them and had been very flirty. They all knew how unhinged she had become however, and none had taken her bait.
    But these texts seemed to change everything. They were laden with spelling errors, as if she had written them drunk or high. They alternated between threatening and pleading. It ended with what he hoped was just an empty threat:
    I’ll get you back. And show that man-stealing whore ur with what hurt really is!
    This was the first time Sara had even been mentioned by Emily. He had no idea how she even knew Sara existed. Ethan knew he could handle himself, Emily didn’t scare him. But Sara was a different story.
    * * *
    Sara awoke a few hours later, still early for her, however. She showered and dressed, surprised at how much energy she had, given that it was a Thursday morning. Normally she felt burned out, but she was excited, selfishly, for Saturday. That was Ethan’s last hard training day, and it meant that the following week he would be simply relaxing with her after work.
    “Maybe a few quick workouts.” Had been his promise. Sara was tired of mostly seeing him at work, where they had to pretend to be professional, courteous coworkers. Sara arrived at the office early, only a few of the other coworkers were there.
    As per her morning routine, she poured herself some coffee and sat down at her computer. She logged into her social media page. A new message peaked her interest. It was from an ‘Emily’.
    Sara was curious, she didn’t know an Emily. She open the message. It was terse and strangely worded.
    “Hey. I needed you to know that you are sleeping with my boyfriend. You need to stop. This is us together last week”
    Attached was a picture of Ethan and an attractive blonde outside a nice restaurant in their town.
    Sara’s heart sunk.
    She couldn’t believe she had been so stupid, so naïve. Ethan was just another immature bastard. He had probably been lying about being at ‘training’ all the time. I thought this was something real Sara thought to herself. I was so dumb !
    She felt the tears begin to well up in her eyes, hot and stinging. Sara frantically logged out of her computer and stumbled half blind to the bathroom. She locked herself in the stall and began to sob softly to herself.
    Ethan, meanwhile knew he needed to find Sara, to warn her about Emily’s craziness. He arrived at the office, and made a B-line for Sara’s desk. It was empty.
    Shit . He thought to himself, where is she ?
    Meanwhile, Sara had composed herself as best she could and decided that she just couldn’t bring herself to look at Ethan today. I knew getting involved with a coworker was a huge mistake , she chastised herself.
    Sara slipped quietly out of the bathroom and out the building, hoping she wouldn’t see Ethan. She made it to her car and called her boss. Claiming to be violently ill, Sara said she wouldn’t be in today. Sara then turned off her phone and drove through the cold streets to her studio.
    She entered the apartment. It looked strange in the mid-morning light. Beams cut through the gaps in the curtains, the sun straining to illuminate the darkness. Sara, in a bitter huff, yanked the curtains closed and crawled back into bed; numb, and disappointed.
    Ethan, having heard that Sara was ill, had texted her about Emily, and to be cautious. He hoped she was alright, but his energy and focus was elsewhere. Sara is a big girl he reasoned, she won’t buy into
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