Demand of the Dragon

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Book: Demand of the Dragon Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kristin Miller
    “Fine,” she said, searching around the room. Had someone
brought her bag to the chamber? Or was it still in the dressing room? “Do you
have reason to believe Tristan could’ve come out of a portal in werewolf
    By the time she spun around, Caleb was standing in front of the
armoire, holding her bag. “Don’t be upset, Luce.”
    “I’m not upset.” She tried to snatch the bag from him, but he
held tight. “And don’t call me Luce. I’m not a little girl anymore.”
    “I can see that.” His gaze trailed to Lucy’s breasts and heat
hit her cheeks once more.
    “Just give me my stuff. I need to change.”
    His jaw clenched and with another tug, he released the bag.
Reeling from the brush-off, Lucy changed in the bathroom. She was stupid to
think there could’ve been something more between them. She must’ve misread their
chemistry—it wasn’t two-sided. He hadn’t wanted a relationship with her before,
and he clearly didn’t want one with her now.
    But when Lucy stepped out of the bathroom, wearing jeans, a
white tank top and a pair of beat-up black boots, she could’ve sworn Caleb
sucked in a clipped breath.
    He’d changed, too, tossing a charcoal gray T-shirt over his
black pants. It was amazing how effortlessly he could stop her heart. His short
hair was wild—thanks to her fingers raking through it—but the sexy-tousled-look
suited him. His eyes seemed darker than they’d been when she entered the
bathroom, but his Draco specks shined just as gold. The ache to see him in
dragon form struck Lucy hard, and she had to shake her head to ditch the memory
of Caleb in his golden glory.
    He slung a backpack over his shoulder and opened the door
leading to the hall. They had a long path ahead of them—the journey to find
Tristan and bring him back safely.
    “Ready?” Caleb waved for her to walk through.
    Just the movement of his hand was a reminder of what just
happened. How was she going to ride him without thinking about how it’d feel to
ride him in a different way?
    Storming to the bed, Lucy shoved her shredded lace panties into
her bag, then slung it over her shoulder. She snatched Tristan’s medallion from
the armoire and looped it around her neck.
    “You never answered my question.” She pushed past him, swathed
in the wake of his naturally masculine scent. “Why are we going into werewolf
    “There are a few portals over there that are unmanned. Tristan
could’ve come through in Were territory and would need help getting back.” Caleb
increased his pace, past the Great Hall, down a narrow, stone-carved passageway
and through the final archway leading to the cavern exit. “It’s a long shot, but
the portals in Draco territory are either heavily guarded or sealed. The only
ones left are on other parts of the isle.”
    “Wait,” Lucy said, catching up. “What about Tristan’s
    “Did you forget it back there?”
    “No, but I think you’re overlooking it.”
    They reached the edge of the cavern and stopped as the entire,
amazing length of Timeless Gorge stretched out before them. The cavern was about
as wide as it was deep, large enough to easily fit the dragons swooping around
inside it. Far, far below, a sparkling blue ribbon of river snaked its way
around cliffs and out of sight.
    “What are you talking about?” Caleb spun around.
    Lucy held the medallion in her hand. “It’s more than a’s a key. It fits into a chest that’s been passed down in my
family from generation to generation. Tristan never took this medallion off. Not
    “Tell me something I don’t know.” Caleb knelt near the wall,
tugged off his shirt and shoved it into his bag. His body rippled with layers of
bulging muscle. His stomach flexed into a perfect set washboard abs, and his
legs were the size of tree trunks.
    Greek god , Lucy thought, facing the wall with her arms
folded across her chest. Caleb had turned into a damn Greek
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