Death Takes a Holiday
stepped out of the bathroom and closed the door.
    Exasperated, Grace looked over her shoulder at the bunny. “I thought we agreed that whenever Steve came in the room you would attack. You could have at least warned me.”
    Finally dressed in the dance hall dress that acted as her uniform, Grace walked back into the office. Kyle was at his desk searching for something. She was relieved to see that Steve was gone.
    He glanced up and smiled when he heard her approach. “I love that costume.”
    Grace smiled ruefully as she pointed at the bathroom. “It’s not what you think.”
    “You don’t have to explain. I understand completely. Steve explained what happened while you were getting changed.”
    “That’s what I’m afraid of. I think Steve’s a bit confused.” The last thing Grace wanted was Kyle thinking she was attracted to Steve. Actually, the last thing she wanted was anyone thinking she was attracted to Steve. She gave an involuntary shudder. “See, I was trying to change—”
    “And your zipper got stuck. You asked for help, thinking I was in here and Steve jumped to the wrong conclusion. Right?”
    Grace nodded in relief. “How did you guess?”
    “It wasn’t that hard to figure out. After all, I know you and I know Steve,” he said distractedly as he shuffled several small piles of superhero comics, magazines about magicians and past-due bills that littered his desk into a larger pile. He blew out an exasperated breath. “It was just here.” He moved to the desk drawers, opened each one and scattered the contents onto the top of the desk. After a few seconds of playing find the needle in the haystack, he patted his pockets.
    “What are you looking for?”
    He looked at her and grinned. “Your surprise.”
    “A surpr ise? For me?”
    He nodded, and then snapped his fingers. “I bet it’s in my car.” He pulled out a chair and pushed it toward her. “Here have a seat. I’ll be right back.”
    Grace looked at the flimsy brown lawn chair with the half -inch of dirt permanently etched in the cracks. At least, she assumed it was brown. It was rather difficult to tell what color it had been when new. She shook her head. The last thing she wanted was to get dirt on her new dry cleaned uniform. “I’m rather tired of sitting,” she lied with a smile.
    His brow furrowed. “But you’re a waitress now, don’t you stand all day?”
    Grace’s smile grew strained. “Yes. Yes and I love it. It’s good for my calves.”
    Kyle’s eyes fell to her legs and lingered for a bit. “Hmm. I see.” Shaking his head a bit, he grinned. “Well, just wait right here. I’ll be right back.”
    “Kyle, what do you have planned?”
    “Just wait and see. I’ll give you two hints; it’s something you’ve been waiting for and it involves traveling.”
    Grace looked at him dubiously.
    “Trust me. You’re going to love this,” he called over his shoulder.
    Grace watched him leave with a mixture of affection and trepidation. Kyle’s surprises tended to b e spontaneous, over the top, somewhat dangerous and often messy.
    Speaking of messy, she thought, as she glanced at his desk. He’d only been working with Steve for a couple of months, how could he accum ulate so much junk? She dropped her clutch onto the end of the desk and began sorting the junk into piles of garbage, I can’t believe you bought this , and you need to pay this now . She had just made a dent when she noticed a pair of tickets peeking out of a magazine.
    She glanced over her shoulder. It couldn’t hurt to take a peek, she thought excitedly. She carefully pulled the tickets , along with a brochure and itinerary out of the magazine and began reading. “Start the New Year off with a bang. You and your guest will enjoy a twentyfour hour scenic train ride through the mountains in style and comfort on the luxurious Crystal Palace Excursion Train followed by a celebratory New Year’s Eve bash at the world-famous Crystal Palace Ski
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