Dark Demands 03: Totally His

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Book: Dark Demands 03: Totally His Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nell Henderson
Tags: Dark Demands
And those eyes, they were boring deep into hers.  No he wasn’t joking, she could tell from the fire in those dark eyes that he meant it; he really did want to shackle her to his bed.  The realisation sent a delicious little tremor flam ing through h er body . 
    “You shouldn’t joke about that sort of stuff,” she nudged him in the ribs. 
    “ Not ba cking out on me now, Miss Deverell - surely n ot after last night .  I know I wasn’t mistaken – you really enjoyed my little torment with the crop.  So I know there has been a mellowing, Gina?”  He stroked her hair running his fingers down her cheek sensing the almost herculean effort this young woman was making.  “ I’m pleased you’re prepared to indulge my ‘sort of stuff’ or at least give it try?”
    “Yes, Matthew, I am,” she told him softly.  “But with conditions and absolute limits on what I’ll allow, do you understand?”
    He understood very well .  Despite all her previous protests she’d finally relented and now he had her exactly where he wanted her.  The submissive streak he’d known was in there somewhere had risen and, ironically, asserted itself.
    “Come on then we’ll go back to the villa and talk about this some more.”
    Gina took his hand and followed him out of the café.  What was she getting into?  But one thing she did know pandering to Matthew’s sexual needs meant she’d have his heart, for a while anyway.  But would that be enough?

    Chapter 3
    “I want you to be comfortable with this, Gina,” he said hesitating outside a locked cellar door.  “ Come in here with me and h ave a look around and then we’ll talk about the detail .”
    Matthew had taken her back to the villa and down a staircase off the kitchen to the labyrinth of cellars that lay underneath i t.  He’d led her along a corridor and finally put a key in the l ock of a heavy oak door and invited her inside . 
    The room was positively Spartan.  It had plain whitewashed walls, a black ceiling and very little furniture.  There was a double bed in a far corner and sitting in the centre of this room was a leather table like bench heavily padded .  A bit like the sort of thing the doctor has but that was probably down to the stirrups like slings hanging from chains either side, Gina thought. She walked forward , to the corner, and looked closer at the bed, or was it a bed she wondered , it certainly wouldn’t encourage sleep .  It had a metal rail running from the ceiling right around it and dangling from this was a series of different length chains with manacles attached.  So this was where Matthew meted out all his pain filled little pleasures , she decided trailing a finger down a length of chain.
    “What sort of detail, Matthew,” she asked him her voice husky and laced with need.
    “What I need from you and what you’ll allow,” he replied.  “But I’m greedy and I will, perhaps, demand more than you want to g ive,” he admitted.  “But you will have a safeword – a word you speak when you’ve had enough and you want me to stop.”
    Did that make it all right – this safeword – or was it just another ploy to make her agree to all this?
    On one wall was a large wooden cupboard and Matthew took another key and opened it for her, flinging the doors wide and inviting her to take a look inside.
    “Matthe w this little lot looks really freaky,” she gasped staring at the array of sex toys stashed in there.  “I’ve never seen so many – well ‘things’,” she blushed taking hold of an enormous black squashy dildo.  “Surely this can’t go…,” she puzzled out loud.
    “Oh yes it can,” Matthew smirked taking it from her and putting it back where she’d taken it from.  “But I suggest we start with something else, perhaps this,” he s uggested taking a beautiful silver, stainless steel phallus and holding it out for her.
    Gina blinked she could hardly believe her eyes or what she was doing .  
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