Crown's Vengeance, The
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    “What is this?”
    Her expression had him worried.
    “I found it two days ago. In the box of Alexander Hamilton’s correspondence.”
    It took a few seconds, but the expectant, earnest look she gave him finally made sense.
    His jaw dropped.
    “You think it’s a code. A Caesar cipher.”
    “I don’t think it is. I know it.”
    Several months ago, following Joseph Chase’s death, Parker and Erika had discovered a coded message at Independence Hall which had ultimately led them to Joe’s killers. With Erika’s help, Parker had cracked the code, written several hundred years ago by one of America’s greatest patriots.
    A Caesar cipher was a type of substitution code, in which a number or series of numbers represented a letter. Originally developed by Julius Caesar, the particular cipher he and Erika had uncovered was decoded when they discovered that the number seven corresponded with the letter “e” and went backwards from there.
    Parker’s mind flashed back several months. “It’s the same type of sequence from the Hall.”
    “It not only looks the same.” As Erika spoke, a second paper materialized from behind her back. “It was the same code. And read what it says.”
    For the second time that year, Parker found himself on the receiving end of a centuries-old hidden passage.
    I hope this finds you well, but I fear this missive shall break any such serenity you possess.
    As you well know, during my time here in London I have cultivated a group of loyal informants who have access to King George’s inner circle. In the past, their information has proven beyond reproach. Recently, one such valued patriot informed me of a dastardly plot being formulated at the highest levels of the monarchy.
    I believe that several members of the king’s treasury have not yet accepted their recent defeat. One of my spies has uncovered a plan to infiltrate our new American government. I will further pursue this line of inquiry immediately.
    As planned, my next report will be delivered within a shipment to Rachel. Two opposing arrows adorned by my touch, fired together, will reveal the truth.
    Yr. Faithful Servant,
    P. Revere
    “Paul Revere? As in the midnight ride Paul Revere?”
    Erika nodded.
    “Paul Revere was a spy? I thought he was a silversmith.”
    Her face was alight.
    “According to the history books, that’s all he was. I’ve never seen anything suggesting Revere was involved with espionage in any way.”
    A sudden rush of memories ripped through Parker’s mind as he considered her find. Most of them were filled with bullets whizzing past his head, and in one case, taking a piece of his shoulder with it.
    “What kind of papers were you studying when you found this?”
    The suspicion must have been evident in his voice.
    “Parker, I swear I was told they were documents from a container found during preparations for an estate sale. The owner went to a museum after she found the letters, and the entire batch was identified as personal correspondence from Alexander Hamilton. I had no idea this was inside.”
    As improbable as it
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