Book: CROSSFIRE: Ex-CIA JON BRADLEY Thriller Series (TERROR BLOODLINE Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Paul Rodricks
he turned towards the checkpoint to see that one of stationary vehicles was approaching, and then going past them as the car sped up in the direction of the Land Cruiser. 
    Robert returned to his seat in the Embassy’s unmarked car and said to Bradley, “I will have to report this to Richard,” as he brought out his cellphone from his coat-pocket, and punched in the direct number of his superior.  Richard Darwin was the Beirut Station Chief, who would be Bradley’s present boss. 
    “Mr. Darwin, we are in a situation here. Nothing adverse so far. We are held up at a temporary checkpoint along the Hafez al Assad road, a few meters before the Abbas el Moussawi roundabout.  Jonathan Bradley’s beside me.  All his documents are in order.  Georges has gone ahead with our papers to speak to the Lebanese Officer at the checkpoint. Alright…,” he paused to listen, “Alright, I will call you back as soon as we are on our way again.”
    Robert put off the phone, and turned to Jon. “He was anxious to know if they are militants. “
    Bradley, who was looking through the windshield, said to Robert, “The driver is returning.”
    They saw the first car ahead of them, moving past the barricade, as Georges got in, “They will let us pass ahead of the other cars after checking you two for identification.”
    “What is the fuss about, Georges?”
    “There were armed clashes last night in Tripoli between two neighborhood enemy factions, resulting in some death and injuries.  Their leaders are on the run; one of them is a suspected terrorist.”
    Robert raised his eyebrow at the security-guard, “They told you all this, Georges?”
    Georges gave him a sheepish smile, “No… I learned the gist of it from my friends, who I talked with during the night, after finishing work.” 
    The out-going Case Officer knew about the Lebanese men’s passion for rallying around their kin and friends when a lot of assorted information and gossip is passed along.
    Driving past the two cars lined up in front of them, Georges stopped short of the barricade. 
    Two officers came and stood on each side of the car while one of them briefly glanced at the faces of the Americans sitting inside the car, comparing his observations versus their passport details and photos, and then handed back the documents to Georges, saying with a vestige of a smile, “OK.  You can go,” as he waved at one of the guards to open the barricade and let them pass.

    BEIRUT, Lebanon - 1993 
    American Embassy
    It was 20 minutes later that they arrived at the Embassy building, without any further untoward incident.  There, he first met with Richard Darwin, the Beirut Station Chief and the Deputy Station Chief, Ignatius Brasconi.
    “Welcome to Beirut, Jonathan Bradley. I believe you have had your first taste of what the normal life is like in this unpredictable city,” Richard said to him lightly, watching Bradley with keen interest, as they shook hands.
    The Station Chief, Jonathan observed, was in his early fifties, of medium built, gray-black thinning hair, and sharp light blue eyes – his trained body language showing the outward signs of a man of ease, behind his hard interior. 
    Darwin was the longest-serving Station Chief in this strife-torn city and had seen it all.  He was held in esteem for his interrogation skills.
    “Yes, Sir.  But not unlike what we have been instructed about and told to expect.”
    “You will experience a lot worse once on the job, Jonathan.”
    Then turning t o Brasconi, the station chief said, “Ignatius has been with me for a while longer than the other Agents. He will introduce you to the other Staff and brief you about your immediate assignment.  You are taking over from the outgoing Case Officer, Robert Armstrong.  You already know that?”
    “I have been so briefed, Mr. Darwin.” Bradley answered.  He glanced at the brown folder with his name written on it, containing his dossier, lying atop
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