Crimson Palace

Crimson Palace Read Online Free PDF

Book: Crimson Palace Read Online Free PDF
Author: Maralee Lowder
at that moment he had felt as if he was looking into the eyes of a grown woman, a woman filled with a determination he couldn’t begin to comprehend.

Chapter 3
    Shinonn stood just outside the door of the blacksmith shop, watching Grady pumping the big billows.
    "You know, Grady, I don’t know how I would have gotten along without you all these years. I’m sure Mum and I would have starved to death long ago."
    "Not you, Shinonn. I’m glad I was here to help, but you would have made out somehow. You’ve got more grit than any other girl I’ve ever known." It was no secret to everyone in town that the big man idolized the girl. It seemed the only person unaware of his feelings was Shinonn herself.
    "Just the same, I’m grateful for all you’ve done."
    "And how’s Rose doing these days? It’s been awhile since I saw her sitting out on your front porch."
    "She’s not doing too good, Grady. Living with her since Da died, well, it’s like watching someone just sort of fade away. Some days I don’t think she even knows who I am.
    "She hardly says a word to me anymore. When she does she talks like she thinks I’m Da or Patrick.
    And she’s gotten so frail lately. I worry that one of these days she’ll get sick and just give up and die."
    Moving away from his work, Grady wiped the sweat from his brow onto his shirt sleeve.
    "I guess it must hurt the way she still thinks so highly of Patrick after he ran off and left you like that. I still can’t believe he did it. I’ll never understand why he never came back to see how you two were getting on."
    "It doesn’t surprise me one bit. When he lit out for California looking for that gambler, I never in my life expected to see him again. I would like to know if he ever found the man and if he did, what happened.
    But I guess I never will. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if he didn’t just stay on in the gold fields after chasin’ around for a while looking for Lincoln Bradley."
    "Yeah, he’s the kind who would be lured to the gold fields, all right. And that gambler too. I hear tell that California has more gamblers and sportin’ women than prospectors."
    "I can’t speak for the gambler, but that does just about describe the sort of place my brother would choose, doesn’t it?" She smiled ruefully as she turned to leave.
    Grady watched her retreating figure with an aching heart. Lincoln’s prediction about her beauty had come true in spades. Shinonn Flannery had indeed grown into one of the most beautiful women in the territory. But at the tender age of eighteen she had already let all her prospective suitors know that she was not the least bit interested in marriage. She could do very well without that nonsense, thank you very much. Even the most determined swains quickly found it more pleasant to court less attractive but better tempered girls.
    At first Grady had been elated to see one after another of the interested young men drop by the wayside, thinking that with the elimination of each his own chances were strengthened. But eventually he realized his chances were no better than any of the others. Shinonn was soured on men and there wasn’t much he could do to change her mind.
    Yet he continued to admire her. Against all odds she had saved the family business. Hampered as she was with her mother, she still found the time and energy to work harder than most men. Between the two of them, the blacksmith shop and the stable were doing better than they had in her father’s best years. He realized that his own help had been essential, yet without her persistence, the business would have collapsed within the first six months after Sean’s death.
    Later, when Shinonn entered the house to prepare the noon meal she noticed that her mother appeared a bit flushed.
    "Mum, you feeling all right?"
    She didn’t really expect a reply. She couldn’t remember the last time her mother had spoken directly to her.
    "I’m so glad you’re here, Sean, dear. I’ve been waiting so
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