Crimson Palace

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Book: Crimson Palace Read Online Free PDF
Author: Maralee Lowder
irresponsible son that he was. Each day she spent hours sitting on the porch, waiting for her son and her husband to return.
    As the years passed Rose gradually sank deeper and deeper into her own imagined world. Unable to share her mother’s world, Shinonn tended to Rose’s needs - fed her, washed her, led her out to the porch rocker each morning - all the while chatting away as if all was well. But she knew in her heart that her mother would never return to her. Most of the time Rose appeared totally unaware of her daughter’s presence.

    The one bright spot in this otherwise bleak period of Shinonn’s life occurred in the week following Sean Flannery’s funeral. It was nearly seven o’clock in the evening and once again she was late fixing dinner for her mother. Rose, complaining of a headache due to the late meal, had retired to her bed while Shinonn did best to put together something for their supper.
    She was definitely out of sorts. She had been spending even more time than usual at the stable, trying to keep the business going. Her mother, instead of being understanding, found even more reasons for her countless complaints. As Shinonn was going through the cupboards, hauling out flour, beans, and bacon, she heard a knock at the front door.
    "Just what I need", she thought, "visitors. They couldn’t be bothered with us before, now all of a sudden they want to see how the "poor pitiful orphan and widow" are getting along. Well, I’ve no time for them now or ever", she thought crossly as she wiped her hands on her apron and went to unlatch the door.
    Standing on the porch, hat in hand, was Grady Hobbs, the saloon keeper’s son. Grady, at eighteen, was already larger than most men. Well over six feet and burly as an ox, he always seemed embarrassed by his size. Shinonn knew him to be a kind person, but a bit on the shy side.
    "Grady, I thought you were one of the old biddies come to snoop. Come on in and set while I fix up something to eat. Have you had your supper yet?"
    "Yep, a couple hours ago. It wasn’t for anything like that that I come over, Shinonn. I come to speak to Rose about your dad’s blacksmith shop. I was wondering if she had anyone in mind to work it. Do you think she might let me try?"
    "I didn’t know you was a blacksmith, Grady. I always figured you for working in the saloon with your pa."
    "I hate the saloon - always have. There’s nothing more disgusting than a bunch of lazy good-for-nothings with nothing better to do than to sit around a bar and drink all day. Oh, I’m sorry, Shinonn. I don’t know what I was thinkin’ of, talking’ like that. I mean with your father being killed there and all."
    Shinonn watched in fascination as a crimson glow swiftly spread from Grady’s neck to his face, finally settling brightly on his ears.
    "Don’t worry about it, Grady. I know what my father was. I loved him with all my heart, but my da was a weak man when it came to drinking and cards. It don’t have nothing to do with you or your daddy."
    "Well, I don’t want to make things worse for you. I was just thinking that if you don’t have anyone who can buy Sean’s tools, maybe I could work in his shop. You know, sort of work for you and your ma.
    "I’ll be straight with you. I’m not near as good a smithy as your dad was, but I’ve picked up a bit here and there. I sure would like the chance to try it. Do you think your ma would let me?"
    "I don’t think we should bother Mum about it just now, Grady. Why don’t you come by the stable tomorrow and we’ll see what we can work out."
    "Thanks, Shinonn, thanks a lot. You sure your ma won’t mind?"
    "She won’t mind a bit," she answered grimly.
    Grady looked at Shinonn strangely for a moment. Years later, when telling the tale of his partnership with Shinonn Flannery, he related that when she said those words he saw something in her eyes that gave him a cold chill. Although she was years younger than himself, just barely past twelve,
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