Craving Her Curves
said. Izzy shrugged.
    “So?” she prompted.
    “With his wife,” I finished.
    “Ooo, what a jerk,” Jacinta said, scrunching her face up in disgust. I snickered.
    “I informed him that if I ran across him trying to step out on his wife again, I’d inform her myself,” I said with a grin. He’d gotten off the phone fairly quickly after that.
    “That stinks; I thought he seemed like a really nice guy,” Isobel said.
    I sighed. “They all seem like nice guys, until they do something creepy.” I said with a snicker.
    That was how our lunch dates normally went. We didn’t have them all the time, because usually either Isobel or I were off somewhere for a story, but about once a week we’d manage to all get together. We’d talk about some guy we’d met or some club we’d been to, and laugh about the cute bartender that had wanted us to be his guinea pigs for a few drinks he’d concocted. That bartender had been cute. And gay, with a huge crush on the owner of the club he worked in. We’d set them up on a blind date and they were now blissfully happy together. I loved going to visit that place and seeing them.
    “So, what’s next on your plate, Izzy?” Jacinta was asking, bringing my wandering mind back around to the task at hand.
    “I’ve got to go see a new shop that’s opening up on the other end of the mall in about forty minutes. It’s supposed to be really posh and out of the price range of anyone anywhere near here,” she said as we all laughed.
    “How are they going to make money if no one can afford to shop there?” I asked. Izzy grinned.
    “That’s what I asked, but what do I know? It’s not like I make a living writing about this city and its people. Oh wait...” she said, a mock pensive look on her face as Jacinta and I giggled.
    “Then, if it’s not going to last long, why write about it?” Jacinta asked.
    “The owner is some B-list celebrity friend of Jade’s, and she wants to give her some exposure. It’s noble and I understand why she’s doing it, but that place is not going to be able to cover its overhead if the prices are what she told me they are,” Izzy said.
    “She can’t talk her friend down a bit?” I asked. Izzy shook her head.
    “She said she tried. So, for now, she’s just doing what she can to help,” she replied. I nodded. There wasn’t really anything else she could do if her friend wasn’t listening to anyone.
    “What about you? Anything exciting this afternoon?” I said to Jacinta.
    She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Nope. Just regular rich people clients, not anyone interesting,” she said. We all laughed.
    “Hey, money is money,” I said to another round of laughter.
    “True. You guys should come down and look before you leave. We got a bunch of new merchandise in: several that I could see you guys in,” she said. Izzy and I both nodded.
    “I’ll come back with you after we eat,” I said.
    “I’ll probably need to get to the new store, but I’ll come past before I leave,” Izzy said. It wasn’t often that we could shop in Jacinta’s store, but when we saw something that we just had to have, we made sure the sale went to her since she got paid off of commissions.
    “Oh, Mia wanted me to ask you guys if you’d be willing to do a promotional photo shoot for the shop. She wants the Dallas Heartbreakers in her clothes,” Jacinta said with a laugh. Mia was the owner of the shop that she worked in. She was a sweet person that really wasn’t out to gouge everyone out of their money, but she stocked very high quality items. She wasn’t going to sell them cheap.
    “I don’t mind,” I said with a grin.
    “Me either,” Izzy said.
    “Awesome,” Jacinta said.
    “Maybe we can get one of the guys at the office to do the photos, and use them for a Pinks ad campaign, too,” Izzy said. Jacinta nodded.
    “I’ll talk to Mia about it and let you know,” she said.
    “Perfect,” Izzy said.
    “What crazy person decided that we
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