Craving Her Curves
need to be famous?” I said with a sudden laugh.
    “Seriously, someone made a serious error in judgment. We’re crazy.” Izzy said, the table erupting into giggles.

    I sobel, Jacinta and I always showed up about thirty minutes after an opening started. Initially, it had been due to the fact that Izzy couldn’t ever seem to be ready on time, but over the course of the years that we’d been frequenting these events and writing about them, we’d discovered that nothing happened during the first thirty minutes anyway. In fact, the few times that we’d made sure to be there on time, something unpleasant had happened. Now, it was a bit of a superstition thing for us.
    By the time we arrived at the wine bar opening, there were at least 60 people already there and milling about. The owner had opted to start the night off by catering to the more dignified members of her guest list before bringing in a DJ and pulsing lights after a few hours, more specifically for the late night crowd. The music playing was from a rather engaging jazz quartet on a small stage that had been set up out of the way, but close enough to the action for the musicians to still get some attention. I grinned and jotted down the name of the group, making a mental note to listen more tonight and give them a bit of press if they were as good as they sounded like they were.
    “I didn’t know you all were going to be here. It’s the Dallas Heartbreakers; I’m honored,” Lee said with an overdramatic bow. I grinned and stepped forward to hug him tightly.
    “What are you doing here?” I asked as he passed the hugs around to Izzy and Jacinta.
    “I planned this event for the owner. Sweet woman, really.  She has a great head for business and making money without screwing her customers or her employees, but not so much for the event planning,” he said with a grin.
    “Is the owner here?” Izzy asked.
    Lee nodded. “She’s in the back, having an argument with one of her suppliers for one of the wines featured tonight. She’s easy to spot, though: bright red hair, almost 6 feet tall, and built like a runway model. She’s got on some silky floral atrocity of a dress, but don’t hold that against her,” he said, rolling his eyes. I snickered.
    “Got it,” I said.
    “Give her about ten minutes once you find her before you introduce yourself. It doesn’t sound like it’s going well back there, so let her cool off,” he said, lowering his voice a bit so others wouldn’t hear. Izzy and I nodded.
    Lee was one of the best and brightest in the Dallas event planning field. He’d swept in the year before and planned a club opening that the girls and I had gone to. Izzy and I had been so impressed with the flawless opening that we’d written a joint article on it for Pinks and given him a load of exposure. His business had been almost non-stop since then, and we’d become great friends. He was a bit of a fashionista, which I’d always thought was funny for a guy, but if there was ever someone who fit the definition of metro sexual, Lee was it. He was better put together than most women I’d met.
    “Thanks, Lee,” I said. Lee grinned and winked.
    “No problem, ladies. Try not to destroy too many men tonight, okay?” he said with a snicker as he went to check on something. The three of us exchanged looks and smiles as we moved further into the event.
    Lee had done a great job of creating ambiance, as usual. And everything that he had out would transfer to the nightlife crowd easily once the time came. I slipped up to one of the waiters and snagged myself a glass of wine before I settled in at a high-top table and waited for the girls to wander over.
    “I just saw the owner come out of the back,” Jacinta said, walking over with Izzy just behind her.
    “She looked upset, so maybe we should give her more than Lee’s recommended ten minutes,” Izzy continued. I nodded and took a sip of the wine.
    “Right, no point in flustering her
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