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Book: Corruption Read Online Free PDF
Author: Eden Winters
Tags: Contemporary, _fathead62
alive for another day. Hell, even Lucky’s fake death could’ve been real. A few lofty words from some overpaid hotshot in a
    classroom didn’t mean jack shit either. Walter, typically rational, wasted his time by even putting stock into such nonsense. However, if
    O’Donoghue lived up to his hype, the department could save a bundle of turnover-related training costs and worker’s compensation
    Footsteps sounded in the hallway outside the cube, heralding the evening mass exit for the elevators. Five o’clock. And Lucky had a date to keep,
    though his target didn’t yet know it. He powered down his laptop, waiting until the last of the stampede passed to make his way to the nearly
    deserted parking garage.

Chapter 3
    Creatures of habit made easy prey, and if Lucky couldn’t run his man to ground with a badly healed ankle, he’d rely on the element of
    surprise. The normal crowd of skateboarding or loitering teens deserted the park, heading for home or warmer places to plot how to piss off their parents.
    Huff, huff, huff , a lone runner panted, tennis shoes pounding an even beat on the park’s worn jogging trail. Muscles bunched, Lucky waited. Ah, the thrill of the
    hunt. When the guy slowed around a curve, Lucky jumped.
    “Yah!” the man screamed. Lucky knocked into him. The “Yah!” changed to a yip. They crashed to the ground together,
    their fall broken by a cushion of fallen leaves. The impact still jarred Lucky’s shoulder. He bit back a yelp of his own, pinning his quarry.
    Months of observation and learning his opponent taught him what to expect, though he barely dodged a right hook. A left jab caught him in the good
    shoulder. Nice one! The world spun and Lucky found himself staring up at furious brown eyes and a fist drawn back to punch again. “Hey,
    darlin’. Miss me?”
    Those eyes narrowed, brown-black brows nearly touching. The anger gave way to recognition. “Damn it, Lucky. How many times do I have to tell you?
    Don’t sneak up on me. You nearly gave me a fucking heart attack.” Bo braced on his arms, taking some of the weight off of Lucky.
    “Pretty good lick you got in there.” Lucky rubbed his shoulder. “Aren’t you glad to see me?” Damn, how
    he’d missed the man the last few days. Their schedules and determination to keep their personal relationship on the down low separated them far
    too often. Unbidden, a low moan escaped. He thrust his hardening cock at his partner, and was met by an answering hardness.
    “I’ve been saving up since Walter told me about your close call last night. You should have called me! Don’t you
    “A little more than a close call. A lady shot me.”
    Bo changed his tune. “Shot? Oh my God! Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He ran his fingers over the shoulder
    he’d hit.
    Lucky shrugged, planning to play up his injury for sympathy points later. Maybe a blowjob after a tasty dinner, cooked while the invalid lay sprawled out
    on the couch. “Other arm, and she only grazed me. I’ll show you later. Did you miss me?”
    “Did I miss you not telling me shit?” Bo poked a finger into Lucky’s side. “No. Giving me heart attacks?”
    He poked again. “No. Miss you knocking me over?” Poke, poke. “No. Miss you greeting me with a training exercise
    instead of a kiss?” Poke, poke, poke. “No.” Lucky’s extra squirming brought his cock closer against
    Bo’s. Neither body part seemed to mind the contact, judging by how they stood to say “Howdy.”
    Despite his squirming, Lucky couldn’t quite evade the poking finger, especially after Bo captured both of his arms in one hand, robbing Lucky of
    enough leverage to wriggle free. Bo probably didn’t even realize what he’d done. A year ago, due to a traumatic childhood, even the
    thought of restraining someone or being restrained would have freaked him out.
    “You’re an insufferable asshole who lives to give me grief. Why should I miss you?” Bo continued,
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