My breath was knocked out of me at the sight of the evil glare that met me instead.
“About fucking time, whore! I’ve been waiting for you to separate from the rest of your little group since I blew up this fucking place! I was shocked to see you here. Not only did I get to take out your precious boyfriend, but I get to kill you as well.” Chris’ breath rolled along my cheek as he held me to him. I fought against him with all the strength that I had, but his grip was too strong. His fingers dug into the skin of my arm as his other hand came up around me to cover my mouth. He started dragging me back toward the building and turned a sharp left to go around the side of the club.
My feet continued kicking out as I struggled to gain traction. Desperate to be released, I opened my mouth slightly and bit down on one of his fingers. He let go almost instantly and I screamed out a blood-curdling scream. My body twisted and contorted as I struggled against Chris’ continued hold on my arm. He pulled me into his chest once more and I threw my head back, catching him on the nose. He yelled out when I impacted with his face and his grip loosened enough that I could break free. I began running at full speed back towards the front of the building. I spotted a policeman setting up perimeter tape and I slammed into him as I escaped from Chris. The officer spun around and steadied me.
“Watch where you are going, Miss, you need to be out of this area.”
My arm came up and pointed in the direction where I had last seen Chris. “Please! He went that way, he tried to kidnap me. Please!” The heaving of my chest as I attempted to gain control over my breathing made it difficult to talk and the officer stood there looking at me like I had lost my mind. “Go get him now! Chris Baxter, the man who set this fire is around the building. Fucking go!” I’d lost all patience and was forcefully pushing the officer in the direction of Chris. I could see in his expression the moment he comprehended what I was saying. He grabbed his radio and called in a request for backup before grabbing his gun and running in the direction I was pointing.
When the officer had run far enough into the fog, I lost sight of him. I stood motionless and watched as five more officers ran past me, following the path the first had taken. My chest heaved from the lack of oxygen in the air and I slowly started walking back to where I knew Alex and the rest of the group would be waiting for me. As I made my way through the smoke, I was once again grabbed and pulled against someone. I didn’t hesitate to scream this time and my throat was torn raw. A hand came up over my mouth and I instantly bit down on the first finger I could isolate. I was released almost instantly and I heard a string of obscenities being yelled out behind me. I took off as quickly as I could and didn’t turn back to see who’d grabbed me. I heard heavy footfalls pounding behind me as I was being pursued. Dodging past people, I continued heading in the direction of Alex.
When I spotted the group, I picked up even more speed at the promise of safety. Their expressions were odd as I approached and I threw myself into Alex’ lap as soon as I was close by. I buried my head in his chest, sure that Chris would not have continued pursuing me this close to where my friends were located.
“Paige? What the hell are you running from?” Alex’ voice sounded anxious and relieved all at the same time.
“Chris….Chris was following me. He tried to grab me when I was looking for Daemon. He was chasing me, Alex.” Words poured from me as I attempted to explain my behavior. Alex grabbed my head and pulled my face up to look in my eyes.
“What in the hell are you talking about? I think you confused someone else with Chris.”
“No!” The force of my denial made me jump. “No! That fucker is out