Conklin's Blueprints

Conklin's Blueprints Read Online Free PDF

Book: Conklin's Blueprints Read Online Free PDF
Author: Brooke Page
to follow and take notes.
    As I followed Will, Corey joined us along with two other gentlemen.  They were both junior architects as well. 
    We took the large elevator up to the 14 th floor.  This floor was filled with conference rooms and served as the HR department.  We all got off the elevator and headed into a very large conference room that had a theater like setting.  There was another group of people already sitting down.  Will introduced me politely to my new co-workers. They were the residential architects.  I couldn’t help but notice I was the only female out of all the architects at this meeting.  Soon, a small group from the marketing and graphics department came in, followed by the advertising department.  Last but not least, a man followed by four supermodel-looking women silenced the room as they walked in.  The man looked very kind, but the women all had their noses in the air.  The gentleman came up to me and looked over at Will who was sitting next to me.  “And who might this be?” he said to Will with a gleam in his eye. 
    Will grinned and introduced me, “Clayton, this is Becca.  Clayton is head of the commercial interiors department.”
    That explains it.  I had minored in interior design. I couldn’t stand more than half of the girls in the classes.  They were either obnoxiously gorgeous or insanely dim witted.  I couldn’t stand the combination, and I hated to stereotype, but it was the truth.
    Clayton gave me a megawatt smile, “nice to meet you, beautiful.  I love your necklace.” 
    One of the women came up to him and huffed.  “Clayton, is there going to be coffee for the meeting?  If not, we are going to need to get some.”
    “Of course, I’m sure Nathan will be here soon.  He doesn’t like to waste time.  Sawla, this is Becca.  She is new to the commercial architect department.  It will be nice to finally have someone on our side.  She has to know good design with that gorgeous outfit,” He said, looking over to Will. 
    Will just smirked at him and shook his head. “We will have to see won’t we?”  Will replied.
    Sawla gave me a glance over and plastered on a fake smile.  It reminded me of Ashlynn.  I instantly didn’t like her.  I put my hand out to shake hers, and she gave me a very gentle grasp.  I wanted to roll my eyes at her, but I put on a smile, hopefully not one as fake as hers.  Clayton and Sawla sat in front of us with the rest of their immediate team.  Then the door flung open and a man came flying in.  He threw down a bag of bagels and began talking immediately.  “Good morning everyone, help yourself to bagels and coffee!” He exclaimed.  He sped over to the projector closet and pulled out a laptop and started fussing with it. A woman followed behind him with a box of coffee and coffee cups.  She started organizing everything on the table in front of the conference room.  The man looked very familiar; actually, his voice sounded more familiar than his looks. 
    My head turned to the door and another man walked in, sliding by the woman who was frantically organizing the bagels and coffee on the table.  He was utterly beautiful.  He wore black from head to toe, black shiny shoes, black dress pants, black belt, black dress shirt, and a black tie.  His jaw was firm and his dark brown hair was messy as though he ran his hands through it a thousand times.  He was tall and broad and athletic.  He looked familiar too; why couldn’t I put my finger where I had seen these men before?  Then it hit me.  These were the two happy looking Conklin brothers in the picture with Robert Conklin, Sr. and Robert Conklin I saw on the website.
    I flushed as his eyes met mine.  Crap , did he notice I was staring at him?  I quickly looked down at my iPad, hoping he thought I was just merely observing my surroundings. I was trying not to look flustered, but his eyes felt like they were going to burn a hole right through me.
    Will leaned over
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