Conklin's Blueprints

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Book: Conklin's Blueprints Read Online Free PDF
Author: Brooke Page
to me and whispered, “That’s Nathan Conklin.  He tends to run the show when his dad RJ isn’t here for presentations.  The woman sitting off to the side of him is Jessica, his assistant.  I will introduce you after the presentation.  As you can see, he is very focused.”
    “Who is the other gentleman?”  I asked, trying not to sound too curious, even though I had an idea of which Conklin brother it was.
    “That’s Tyler Conklin and his assistant, Cooper.  Tyler doesn’t say much.  I think he is more of a numbers kind of guy.  He leaves the talking to his brother.”
    “What about the other brother?  Aren’t there three?” I asked inquisitively. 
    Will rolled his eyes, “Yes, that would be Mitch.  He is on the construction side of the company.  He doesn’t do a whole lot on the business side.”
    From Will’s reaction, I figured Mitch was a bit of an outsider with this family. 
    “Ok, let’s get started!” Nathan shouted with a loud clap of his hands.  He stood off to the side of the projector and had the remote in his hand.  Tyler took a seat off to the side by the table of goodies next to his assistant, Cooper.  People were scurrying back into their seats from getting coffee and bagels.
    Nathan started talking about where the company was at numbers wise and wanted to discuss going completely green and eco-friendly with our up-and-coming projects.
    I tried not to let my vision drift from what Nathan was saying, but I kept feeling like someone was watching me.  It was almost an eerie feeling.  I finally turned my head without thinking, and Tyler was staring at me.  I got caught in his stare.  I couldn’t tell what color his eyes were from the distance that was between us.  They had to be a lighter color; if they were brown I would be able to tell. 
    His eyes drifted back to his brother, as though he wasn’t even looking at me. 
    Stupid. How could I think he was looking at me?  He was way out of my league.  But for whatever reason, I felt like I was being watched throughout the whole presentation.
    “Okay, does anyone have any questions about the material?” Nathan said with another loud clap.
    Sawla, from the interior department stood up.  “I have a few issues,” she said a bit too sassily.
    “Some of these ideas are just not going to work with the design concepts we have been working on.  For instance, the solar panel windows are giant boxes!  And the trimming cannot be replaced in order for them to work.  How am I supposed to infuse a concrete block with a hardwood interior!   And our projects are in the Midwest, the sun is only out half the year!”
    Nathan rolled his eyes then looked to Clayton.  Clayton stood up quickly and said, “I’m sure we will figure it out.  That’s our job Sawla.” Nathan looked pleased with Clayton’s answer.  Clayton noticed and gave him a grin.  Nathan uncomfortably looked away.
    “The windows are just the beginning though!  More heat efficient flooring?  I bet they only have a handful of styles that are safe to use with carpeting and hardwoods! ” Sawla exasperated.
    Wow, this lady is ridiculous.  I tried to hide my amusement.  I had taken a few classes on how to have more eco-friendly homes.  There are plenty of textile companies converting to meet these demands.
    Tyler was watching me again, “You.  What do you think?”  The room stilled as he pointed his finger at me.  Everyone in the conference room turned their heads to look at me, except Nathan.  He looked dumbfounded at his brother.  Shit.  Tyler must have seen my amusement towards Sawla’s comments. 
    My tongue was caught in my throat.
    “Do you have any ideas regarding this?” He asked curiously, holding his thumb up to his lips.
    I looked over to Will and he shrugged his shoulders at me as if to say, go for it.  I stood up and began to speak, hoping I wouldn’t trip over my words.  “There is a company down in Florida who had been trying to
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