Color of Loneliness

Color of Loneliness Read Online Free PDF

Book: Color of Loneliness Read Online Free PDF
Author: Madeleine Beckett
Tags: Romance
cell phone plan otherwise I’d have to take out a second mortgage to pay my upcoming cellular bills. What can I do to help?” Susie asks as she sniffles and wipes her face on her sleeve.
    “Find me a good mover,” Myra says softly as her hands swipe away her tears.

    “What was I thinking?” Myra moans to herself as she scans the mountain of boxes sitting in the living room of Grampie’s house. Now her house. She sits cross-legged on the hardwood floor, her head resting in her hands, completely overwhelmed and not sure how to even begin to tackle everything. Her heart races and her breathing hitches.
    “Don’t,” she shouts to herself. Rubbing her temples with her fingertips, she closes her eyes and takes several deep, calming breaths. “You can do this,” she says. Slowly, her heart rate returns to normal. She sighs as she looks around the room, trying to figure out what to do first.
    She decides to unpack the most important things. Scanning the labels on the numerous boxes, she gets more and more upset when she can’t find the one box she’s looking for.
    “Finally,” she mumbles as she picks up the prized box and carries it to the kitchen. After opening it, Myra glances at its contents: Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, fiber, Omega3, green tea. All the extra pre-cautions she takes because of what happened to her mom.
    She steps up to the kitchen cabinet closest to her and grabs the handle to open it. The cabinet door falls, crashing to the floor and narrowly missing her foot.
    She lets out a loud scream as she clutches her chest. Breathing heavily, she stares with wide eyes at it as her heart tries to pound out of her chest. She tries not to think of what would have happened had it landed on her foot.
    Her phone rings .
    “Shit,” she hollers even louder, the curse echoing down the hallway. With shaky fingers, she flips open her phone.
    “God, Susie,” she says before she pauses, trying to catch her breath. “You scared me half to death.” Myra continues to hold her hand on her chest as she tries to slow her breathing and racing heart.
    “Now is that any way to greet your virtual buddy? What in the world are you doing?”
    “I was in the kitchen. When I reached for one of the cabinet doors, it fell off the hinges.”
    “Oh my God. Are you okay?”
    “Yeah. Just shook me,” Myra says, still trembling as she sinks down into a kitchen chair.
    “I bet. If that had happened to me, it would’ve taken my foot off; or at least a toe or two. That’s awful. Hey, speaking of awful, I have to tell you what happened to me last night. Remember I told you we were going out to dinner for my brother’s birthday?”
    Myra hums in response.
    “Well, he picked some spaghetti place that I’d never been to, and I was thrilled because you know my weakness for some pasta. So anyway, I decided to be really good all day on my eating because I knew I was going to eat like a hoss at dinner. So I had an apple for breakfast and an orange for lunch…”
    “Susie,” Myra says.
    “I know. I’m an idiot. By the time we got seated, it was seven thirty and my blood sugar was so outta whack I was ready to start gnawing on my arm for sustenance. Thank God they brought out some yummy garlic bread; I started shoveling that stuff in as fast as my chops could chew. Then I ordered some kind of spicy chicken pasta dish. It was pheeenomenal. I ate almost the whole plate, and their servings were humongous. And for dessert, I ordered cheesecake. Oh God, Myra, it was a euphoric orgasm on a plate, I kid you not. I’d trade Jeff’s dick any day for some of that goodness,” Susie says before she makes disgusting, horrifically loud orgasmic sounds in Myra’s ear.
    “God. Stop…” Myra gasps out between peals of laughter as she leans over the kitchen table holding her stomach.
    “Well, the big, giant dumbass that I am wore these really tight jeans and a belt. You know, I guess I wanted to look fatfuckhawt
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