
Clocked Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Clocked Read Online Free PDF
Author: Elle Strauss
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Time travel, 1800s fiction, novelette
the fatigue. I straightened out on the cot and lay down with my hands behind my head on a thin pillow. “This is so sci-fi. But kind of cool, when you think about it.” We were in freaking 1860! Who got to do that?
    Casey’s eyes scanned the room and I followed her gaze, taking in the details of our surroundings. Wooden floors, two cots with a night table between them—a candle and box of matches the only thing on it—and a larger table under the window with a pitcher and bowl for washing up. A small brick fireplace was built into the corner with a little pile of kindling and a stack of wood against the wall.
    I closed my eyes nearly dozing when I heard Casey’s cot creak. I peeked over to see her lying flat on her back.
    “ How old were you the first time it happened?” I asked.
    “ Nine.”
    “ That must’ve been scary for you.”
    “ It was. Mom tucked me in and had just turned out the lights. The red digital numbers on my clock read 8:31. Even though I was afraid of the dark and monsters under the bed, I’d done a stupid thing and watched a scary B movie that afternoon. As soon as Mom closed my bedroom door and left me in the dark, I panicked. I lost my breath, felt dizzy and fell into the brightness.”
    “ You must’ve freaked.”
    “ I did. I cried and screamed myself silly, all by myself in the middle of the forest. And, to make matters worse, it was pouring rain and my PJ's were soaked. I managed to find a large tree with a hole worn out on the side, and crouched in it. I spent the whole night shivering, scared out of my mind.”
    I loved the sound of her voice, melodious, perfect for story-telling. I didn’t want her to stop.
    “ And...”
    “ The next morning the sun shone brightly, so I removed my PJ's and set them out on a rock to dry. Basking in the sun had warmed me up, but I was starving. I searched around for food wearing only underpants. I looked like the Jungle Book boy.”
    I imagined her as a skinny, long-limbed little girl with dark curly hair.
    “ When I went back to where I'd left my PJs I couldn't find them. However, it turned out I didn't need to worry about that. I fell into the tunnel of light and next thing I knew, I was in my bed, with my PJs on, and my mother was just closing the door behind her. I looked at the clock—8:31.”
    “ Wow, that’s quite the story.”
    Even though it was dark in the room, my eyes had adjusted and I saw Casey’s head turn sharply my way.
    “ It’s all true.”
    “ I believe you,” I said. And as strange as it was, I did. “How long does it last?”
    “ Sometimes it’s as short as a few hours and sometimes...”
    “ Sometimes?” I prodded. I had the feeling she was remembering something she didn’t want to tell me.
    “ It’s longer. I never know. Hopefully, it’ll just be a couple days.”
    “ Does this happen to anyone else you know?”
    “ I haven’t met anyone. I know the signs and I haven’t seen the evidence.”
    “ There are signs?” I asked, intrigued.
    “ Well, a few. I get dark rings around my eyes when I travel back to my time; I’m discombobulated for a while, and really, really tired.”
    I believed that. I let my eyelids close wanting to give in to sleep. But first I needed to ask a couple more questions.
    “ So, you’re a time traveler. I’m not. How do I get back?”
    “ You have to be touching me. Skin to skin.”
    Something about that image made me smile. Touching Casey Donovan wasn’t all that bad.
    She got up with a huff, and I wondered if mind reading was one of her gifts, too.
    “ Where you off to?” I asked.
    “ The outhouse.”
    “ Hey, Casey?” I had one more question.
    She stopped at the door. “Yeah?”
    “ What happens if, you know, you don’t get to me on time, to touch my skin?”
    “ You’d get left here, I guess.”
    My throat felt dry and I swallowed hard.
    “ I’d be back eventually,” she added, “so you wouldn’t be left here forever.”
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