Circle of Deception

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Book: Circle of Deception Read Online Free PDF
Author: Carla Swafford
six days to get their shit together.
    Rex glanced over at Abby on the opposite end of the table; she looked shell-shocked. He wanted to tell her she had nothing to worry about when it came to his behavior. That he knew how to be professional.
    But he would be lying. Maybe he was an asshole.
    He narrowed his eyes, studying her. She owed him some answers, and he planned to take advantage of their time together.
    She glanced his way and frowned and then shifted in her seat, giving him her back.
    With a swipe at his mouth, he erased the pleased grin from his face. He’d been waiting years for answers, and by God he’d get them. Or die trying.

    Chapter Four
    A BBY WATCHED THE door close behind Rex, leaving her alone with Jack.
    “Okay. Let me have it.” He folded his arms and leaned a hip against the conference table.
    She wanted to cry but she refused to embarrass herself and Jack. Digging her fingers into the back of a chair as she stood, she concentrated on keeping her voice even. “I can’t believe you did that.” She raised her hand to stop him from interrupting. “You, better than anyone, understand why I can’t work with him like that.” The last word faded from lack of air. Her dry mouth emphasized how the news had bothered her.
    He rubbed his eyes and then his chin. The silence stretched between them. Was he rethinking his plan?
    “How much do you like working for The Circle?”
    The question caused her to blink. She hadn’t expected it.
    No need for her to hide the truth. “You know over the last few years it has strangely kept me from falling apart. I can’t imagine going anywhere else.” She tilted her head. “Why? If I refuse, am I fired?”
    “No. I won’t kick your ass out like you deserve for giving me hell. But I can demote you. You and Liam can hang out together. Persona non grata. Do you want that?” His blue eyes cooled with each word.
    He might as well have slapped her. She understood being the OS Sector’s leader was a hard job. Their line of work required they possess the type of confidence that could be grating to those less sure of themselves. Keeping the strong personalities of a hundred or more people balanced while satisfying Ryker wasn’t an easy task. But she’d never said no to Jack on any of her assignments.
    Truth be told, she’d betrayed Theo, the psychotic former leader of The Circle, and helped a prisoner escape. Although Theo had been insane and the prisoner her best friend, betrayal was betrayal, no matter how she justified it. She and Liam did have that in common. But it wasn’t her fear of being fired or demoted that had her fighting the assignment.
    “I think you need to help me understand where you’re coming from by asking me that question.” She might as well give him a chance to lay out his reasons.
    Jack pushed away from the table and looked away. “I’m explaining this only because I know what you went through when we thought Rex was dead.” He cut his ice-cold eyes at her.
    She didn’t need reminding that The Circle had lied to her back then, making her and Jack believe Rex had died. If two talented operatives had no one waiting for them elsewhere, they would most likely stay put.
    And there was no need for him to say that; she better not expect an explanation again. Allowing an operative to balk at an assignment could lead to indecision in the field, practically ensuring the person would be found dead later and possibly get others killed.
    “Thank you.” She bit off each word and opened her eyes wide when he glared. She resented his attitude. He thought he was protecting her, but she didn’t need or want it.
    “We don’t have months or even weeks to set up this operation. We need answers quickly. Who’s Walker’s source, and where are they manufacturing it? You’re familiar with our target, and Rex has established an identity in the arms black market as a big player. You know this, and I know you’re panicking because of your feelings
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