Circle of Deception

Circle of Deception Read Online Free PDF

Book: Circle of Deception Read Online Free PDF
Author: Carla Swafford
and bare, stretched across the bed with her perky breasts pressing against the thin cotton. He remembered how soft she looked and felt in his bed.
    His cock filled out, and with a furtive shift beneath the table, he adjusted his pants. Hell, he didn’t need to think about her in bed while in a room filled with coworkers.
    Jack spoke up. “Orders have been given to move forward in our efforts to obtain the information we need from Brody Walker to halt production. But Ryker has given us instructions that he’s not to be eliminated or harmed in any way that interferes with the goal of this mission.” Jack crossed his arms as he waited for the room to settle back down. Many of the operatives wanted Brody’s head on a pike along with other body parts and complained about Ryker tying their hands.
    They’d received news that morning about a shipment reaching Inferno’s facility, and knowing Brody was responsible didn’t encourage goodwill. For years, the radical organization had created havoc with The Circle. So anyone supplying them with weapons and ammo would be considered the enemy and deserved to die. Life in The Circle was kill or be killed.
    “As you know from the files in front of you, his farm is protected with sophisticated equipment as well as several guards patrolling with dogs. I would like to hear what you think is the best way in.”
    Everyone started talking at once, giving suggestions on the best way to handle a high-security location and a man with the money and means to acquire weapons and men to protect him.
    Rex watched Abby take a sip of her coffee, and then her tongue darted out as she licked her lips. The bottom one, full and plump, glistened. He remembered how she would bite her lip when he’d kiss his way down her body.
    “No way!” She slammed her hands on the table and stood, glaring at Jack.
    Startled out of his thoughts, Rex glanced from Abby to his brother. Shit! What had he missed?
    “Do you have a problem with it?” Jack looked his way.
    “Like I care what he thinks,” she said before Rex could answer.
    “Rex, ignore Abby’s childish fit. This is the best plan.”
    He opened his mouth to ask what in the hell they were talking about when Abby pointed a finger at him.
    “You. You convinced him, didn’t you? This was your way to get back at me for letting you hang in the breeze at the warehouse.” Her nostrils flared.
    By God, she was beautiful when she was all revved up.
    Several of the operatives chuckled, and some had the sense to cover it up with a cough or a hand.
    “Abby, you’re the only one who has a connection with Walker. Ryker sent Rex specifically to work this case. He’s been working on his cover with several arms dealers for the last seven years. It makes sense that you go undercover with Rex to visit Walker. We don’t need to scare him off. It could take days, weeks, before we catch up with him again. We need him relaxed and willing to talk. You’ve already received the invite to the charity function at the Wynfrey in Birmingham.”
    Rex glared at his brother. What was the asshole up to? The only time operatives of the opposite sex worked undercover together was either as siblings or lovers. And in no way could he treat Abby as a sister, even if they needed to create a sick scenario like that. Besides, Walker would know they weren’t siblings.
    Hell, no!
    Did he say that out loud?
    “Enough! It’s settled.” Jack’s eyes narrowed. “You and Abby are going as a married couple. You’ll make Walker believe it too. We need his trust.”
    Damn. He had blurted it out.
    “Fine. Whatever you say, boss.” He grinned and wondered if Jack remembered their last discussion about what boss spelled backward.
    His brother gave him a one-fingered salute.
    Yeah. He remembered, the double SOB.
    Jack called the names of the leaders from each group, broken up by area of expertise, and passed around outlines of what he wanted answered before they left next week. They had only
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