Chronicles of the Uprising (Trilogy 1): Trilogy 1

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Book: Chronicles of the Uprising (Trilogy 1): Trilogy 1 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Katie Salidas
gone up in flames. She, however, was not the only one to suffer. Other vampires peacefully lounging in their cells began to howl in pain as the dreadful light filled every inch of space.
    Her whole body on fire, Mira released her prey and balled herself up, trying to hide in the small shadows created by those standing around her.  
    Something hard connected with Mira’s head. She blacked out for the briefest of moments, which was all the humans needed to shove her into her cell and slam the door shut. Once secured, the lights went out and an eerie silence replaced the previous chaos.
    “Try that again, you fucking leech, and we’ll see you staked out in the morning sun,” the male handler spat at her. He held tight to his compatriot, inspecting her Kevlar suit for any signs of damage.
    Skin crispy, flaking off of her body, there wasn’t an inch of Mira that didn’t hurt; yet still she managed to laugh. “Come in here and say that, big man.”
    The male handler, having finished his once-over of his partner, turned his UV torch on Mira in response.
    Already at the limits of what she could feel, Mira continued to laugh through the burning blast of light.
    “She’s fucking crazy,” the female handler yelled over Mira’s cackling laughter.
    The male handler nodded stiffly and clicked off his torch. “What do you expect, she’s a leech.”
    “Yeah, because humans are so sane,” Mira retorted. Though she tried to sound cocky, she couldn’t hide the edge of pain in her voice. There was not an inch of her body that was not raw and angry at that moment.
    “Don’t let her taunt you. File an incident report on that crazy leech, and she’ll get what’s coming to her.” The voices trailed off.
    Mira stared up at the ceiling. The coolness of the concrete floor was a small comfort to her searing skin. Her wounds were already beginning to heal, thanks to the blood she’d been able to drink in battle, but Mira knew that was the last she’d taste for a while. No doubt the handlers would report her to her Owner, and she’d be given some archaic punishment for her crimes. Even in their heyday, vampires had never been as cruel as the humans now were to them. Some deserved death, sure, but the rest just wanted to live their eternity in comfort and peace.
    “Good job, Mira,” George, a male vampire in the adjacent cell groaned. “Did we all need to suffer for your midnight snack?”
    Mira huffed in frustration, at war with herself over what she’d just done. Part of her felt guilty for what the other vampires had endured because of her actions, but another part was not going to stand by idly while the humans attacked her for no reason. “You’re just jealous because you don’t have the balls to try it yourself.”
    “I’m not that stupid.” George’s dark bald head appeared at the bars. Though he sounded angry, none of it showed in his concerned expression. “This is a maximum security facility. There are cameras, monitors, sensors. Face it, honey, we’re stuck in here until the day we die.”
    “Well, as I recall, you were the one doing the fucking last night. You were gone more than five hours.” Her muscles protested every movement, but Mira slowly rolled over on to her stomach and gingerly pushed herself up to her knees. She was healing, but not quickly enough for her liking. “Is it true? Did you get a new Patron?”
    “I know how to play the game.” A cocky smile replaced the look of concern. George flashed her his perfectly white, perfectly sharp teeth. Tall, well-built, dark skinned-for a vampire – and that beautiful bald head human women seemed to just adore. That man knew his strengths; he was a handsome devil who flaunted it every chance he got, and it worked wonders. He hadn’t been in the arena for well over a month, too busy with his ever-growing list of admirers. “Yep.  Got myself a hot vein and a little free time. Which is more than most of us can hope for.”
     “Well, have fun
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