SEIZED Part 1: New Adult Romantic Suspense (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)
    Two female officers pull me to my feet. Their voices cut through the tinnitus and fear in my head. Finally, I know I’m safe. I stumble past rows of cars and wait for the roller door. We make our way up the ramp and into the back caverns of the station. My eyesight fades in and out. I can hear them asking me questions but the voices are a blur. I’m clutching April’s handbag and tugging at my skirt. Blood is still dribbling from my forehead. The lights are too bright I need to eat. The alcohol and the pain have left me shaking.
    I’m ushered into a small room with a table. I’m left alone. The cup of water they give me is gone in a second. Are they watching me now through the pane? I feel desperation start to claw at the surface again.
    “I need to see someone now!” I’m up at the glass, leaving smudges on it with my demands and starting to panic. I can’t be alone right now.
    The door opens, and a nerdy looking young officer walks in. He’s asking me what’s happened, but all I can do is babble.
    “April, they took her, she’s gone.”
    He’s trying to find out who hit me. “Are you married, ma’am?” I realize if I don’t calm down, no one’s going to listen, so I say, “No, I’m not married, I was out with my friend and someone attacked us.” The sobs come, as everything that’s happened in the last hour hits me at once and I choke up.
    “Who were you with when it happened, ma’am?” he asks, his kind brown eyes showing nervousness, and I can tell he’s new. Sobbing, I finally manage to get out my story while he takes notes. I tell him about April, about the club. I tell him how I got away, and I show him my injuries. He takes notes and seems sympathetic but nothing more.
    Another officer with a camera comes in. She’s from the sexual abuse team, but I don’t need a rape kit, I just need someone who will find April. I know from watching TV that the first twenty-four hours of a kidnapping are the most important. If they don’t find her now, they may never find her. The female officer is firm as she leads me into another room. There’s a bed covered in plastic, and I lie there as a nurse looks over my injuries. Each is photographed as I describe again and again what happened. I’m tired and the tears are close. My throat hurts where his hands bruised me, and suddenly I don’t feel so tough at all. Sobbing, I cover my face. I don’t want her to see me cry, but she just lays a gloved hand on my back and lets me sob.

    I ’m finishing my workout when my cell rings, interrupting the hip-hop that’s pounding through the ear buds. It’s the officer at the front desk. My mind immediately jumps to the bum thief we were dealing with before, but it’s not that he’s calling about.
    “I’ve had a case come in with your name pretty much etched on it,” he says, sounding chuffed and not apologetic at all.
    I sigh. It’s the end of my shift. I’m tired, I’m sweaty, and all I can think about is heading home to crash on my pillow.
    “What is it?” I swipe at the sweat running down my neck, and try to keep the irritation out of my voice. His reply is more cautious now. He knows I’m on edge, but continues anyway.
    “It’s a kidnapping on Times Square. One female victim was out with a friend for the night. One was injured, but escaped. She ran here, the other was taken. They’re both good-looking girls. I think it’s a task force case, if you want the jump.” He sounds like a puppy that’s brought me a stick. I know the kid’s just trying to be a good cop, but I’m about done with looking at the faces of victims for now. Sucking up my negative shit, I tell him I’ll just finish my workout, and hit the showers. “Put her in room two to wait. I won’t be long.”
    The beats flood my ears again, and I decide to do one more set of dead lifts. The weights feel good. I’m working my back. Checking my form in the mirror, I lift and steel myself for another few
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