Christmas Kiss

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Book: Christmas Kiss Read Online Free PDF
Author: Chrissie Loveday
going to be a fantastic room,’ Sarah exclaimed as they went into the lounge. There were five tall windows along one side and two smaller windows each side of the room. ‘It must be a very light room with so many windows. What are the views like?’
    ‘There’s distant sea view from one side. The other side is dominated by trees but I plan to get them cut back a little. It’s all very overgrown and neglected.’ Sarah gave a shiver. ‘Come on. Let’s get back into the warm. I’ll make some coffee and then if you don’t mind. I’ll drive you home. I know it’s only eight-thirty but I have some work to do and an early start tomorrow.’
    ‘That’s no problem. I was up early this morning to get into work on time. I’m feeling shattered. But thank you so much for everything. You’ve been incredibly kind and I’m sure Major is in very good hands.’
    ‘No problem. I’ll give you a call at the weekend and see if you are ready to start back next week. I expect you’d also like to come over some time to visit Major. Come whenever you like, if you can get transport organised.’
    ‘Thank you again. I may come over during the day later in the week.’
    Alex drove her home and left her at her door. The cottage looked so tiny after his magnificent place. But, it was home and hers. At least, hers and the bank’s between them. She put on the television and settled down to watch something simple and mindless. It was company rather than anything, something to have buzzing away in the background while she thought about the new man in the office. It was going to be interesting working with him ... besides anything else that might happen outside the office. He was clearly prepared to be a friend and had intimated that he would enjoy sharing her passion for riding.
    The following day seemed rather dreary without having to look after Major. She wanted to allow him time to settle and besides, it meant asking a favour from someone, to drive her over to Alex’s place. It was just too daunting a distance to walk there. She read through some of the office mail she had brought home and sorted it into various piles. She could make some phone calls to respond to a few of the letters but that would need confirmation by letter as well, so there was little point in wasting her time. She put the television on, made a cup of tea and was soon immersed in the decision of a couple choosing to live in the country or town. It was amazingly compulsive, this daytime television. But, she really needed to be back at work. This was all too different a lifestyle and she was bored. She would phone Alex that evening and ask for a lift to work the following day. besides, it was an excuse to ask after Major. She grilled some bacon and thought how much nicer the previous evening’s meal had been.
    Sarah’s phone rang at six o’clock. She did not recognise the number.
    ‘Hi Sarah. It’s Alex. I’m almost passing your place. Thought you might like to offer me a glass of wine or something?’
    ‘Yes, of course. Come right in.’
    ‘With you in two minutes.’
    She put the phone down and panicked. Had she got a decent bottle of wine anywhere? The place was a mess. She was a mess. Two minutes he’d said. Barely time to even comb her hair. She finger brushed it and glance in the mirror. Nothing she could do about it. Find some wine and open it. She scrambled into the cupboard and found a bottle her father had given her recently. That must be all right. She couldn’t manage to open it to allow it to breathe. Glasses. Decent glasses. She pulled two from the cupboard and wiped them as best she could. The doorbell rang. Can’t have been two minutes, she thought.
    ‘Hi. Welcome. Sorry I’m a mess. Do come in.’
    ‘Thanks. This is very cosy. I like the way you’ve arranged everything.’
    ‘Thank you. Not quite up to the grandeur of your place but it’s home. Some of it is even my own. I’m afraid you’ll have to pull the cork.’ She handed him
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