Christmas Kiss

Christmas Kiss Read Online Free PDF

Book: Christmas Kiss Read Online Free PDF
Author: Chrissie Loveday
massive amounts of storage. Her own kitchen would have fitted into just two of the units.
    ‘What a wonderful kitchen,’ she exclaimed. ‘I love the colours. The granite is a gorgeous finish and the tiles are beautiful. Lovely warm, rustic colours. And the floor too. Really easy to keep clean, I should think.’
    ‘Thanks. I’m pleased with it all. As I said, it’s the only downstairs room that’s been done so far. Everywhere else is a bit of a mess. I’ll show you round later but right now, I’m ready for a drink. We have to eat in the kitchen I’m afraid. Only warm place. Hope you like red wine?’ He was already pulling the cork from what looked an expensively labelled bottle.
    ‘I certainly do. Thank you. This is all a rare treat for me. But where’s your Mrs er.. Harper, wasn’t it?’
    ‘She’ll have long gone. Left a casserole in the Aga, I expect.’ He lifted the lids of two pans on the side. ‘Vegetables all prepared and ready to heat.’
    ‘I could do with a Mrs Harper myself,’ she laughed as he handed her a glass of wine. She sniffed it and recognised a quality aroma.
    ‘Good girl. I’m pleased you didn’t just swig it down. It’s a rather nice claret. One of my favourites.’
    ‘I should think not. My Father would never approve of that. I’m no expert but I do enjoy a nice bottle of wine.’
    He put boiling water into the vegetables and set them on the Aga. She sat at the oak table and watched as Alex put out cutlery and table mats. He was clearly used to fending for himself, as much as he had to. They chatted easily and she realised just how much she was enjoying his company. She discovered he had never been married. He had concentrated on building his career and spent very little time enjoying life, by his own admission.
    ‘That’s all going to change now. I’m planning a total lifestyle change. Moving to Cornwall and finding this place was a bonus after finding the practice vacancy. I have to confess to knowing Ken. He was once a colleague of my father’s. They were at university together and remained in touch over the years. After my father died, he helped my mother sort out the estate. I was overseas at the time and couldn’t get out of my contract immediately.’
    ‘So, where does your mother live?’
    ‘Devon. Just outside Exeter. Near enough for me to help her when needed and far enough away not to be in each other’s way.’
    ‘I know just what you mean. My parents are near Launceston so the same thing applies. My sister lives near them. Handy for babysitting. Beth has three children.’
    ‘And what about you? No fiancé or boyfriend in tow?’
    ‘Like you, I’ve concentrated on my career. I’ve been out with a few local men from time to time but nobody is special in my life.’
    ‘Sad pair, aren’t we?’
    ‘I disagree. I love my work and always have plenty to do.’
    ‘I must serve dinner before the vegetables are inedible.’ He was efficient and clearly, very competent. He lifted the lid of the casserole and sniffed appreciatively. ‘Hope you’re not vegetarian. I didn’t think to ask. This is one of Mrs Harper’s special game casseroles.’
    ‘Smells wonderful.’
    He served a generous plate of the meat and vegetables and put it on her table mat.
    ‘I asked her not to put in any bones so it should be easy to eat one-handed.’
    ‘You’re very thoughtful, Alex. Thank you.’ He seemed too good to be true, she thought as she waited for him to sit beside her. She dug her fork into a piece of meat and closed her eyes as the flavour hit her taste buds. ‘Mmm! That is just heavenly. And wonderful to have someone cook for me. The best I’ve managed is a microwave meal and some fresh salads.’
    When they had finished, he took her on his promised tour of the house. As he had said, it was in a very poor state of repair in places. Basically, it was a sound building and much of the deterioration was a matter of re-plastering and decoration.
    ‘Wow, this is
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