Christmas At Leo's - Memoirs Of A Houseboy
walked with him into the hall, helping him on with his coat before waving him off to work. Picking the milk up off the doorstep, I took it into the kitchen and stuck it in the fridge, not that it needed to be chilled. It was cold from sitting out on the doorstep since the early hours. I cleared away Shane’s breakfast pots before setting the table ready for Dick’s breakfast. I also set a place for myself. Shane would check with Dick to make sure I’d eaten. Hunger can act as an episode trigger and he’s shit hot on triggers. I then trudged upstairs to begin my morning ablutions.
    Dick was awake. He smiled as I walked into the bedroom. “Morning, hun. Has Shane gone?”
    “Yes. The beast has left the lair to go terrorise the general population.”
    “I take it you’ve been mauled and no doubt you deserved it.” He raised an arm above the covers. “Come back to bed for a while. You look like you could use a cuddle.”
    “I need to get ready. I’ve got stuff to do.”
    “Stuff can wait, come on.” He flung back the duvet and patted the mattress. “I’m not taking no for an answer.”
    I huffed a sigh, but obeyed, climbing into bed, lying stiffly beside him on my back, remaining unresponsive and closed lipped when he kissed me.
    “Is this mood a hangover from last night?”
    Talk about being handed a golden ticket. “Hangover!” I snorted, turning my head towards him. “Chance would be a fine thing. Is that your way of mocking me?”
    “Do you really believe I’d stoop so low as to mock or taunt you, Gillibran?”
    “No.” Tears of shame pricked my eyes. I turned my head away from him.
    “Then why say it?”
    “Because I’m a spiteful twat. I’m sorry. I’m still angry about things. I can’t help it.”
    “You put yourself through hell and torment over nothing. You’re leaping ahead again, living your entire future in one indigestible lump. You have to learn to concentrate your mind and focus on what needs to be done in the moment. You have to deal with the situation as it is, not how you want it to be, not how you wish it could be, but as it IS. Shane and I have talked and talked to you about this, Gilli, and you’re just not taking it in.”
    “You make it sound easy, and it isn’t.” I curled on my side, presenting my back to him.
    “It is. There’s no rocket science involved. You obey the rules, simple as that.” He tickled the back of my neck. “Do you want to play? Some light and sexy spanking play might help release your frustrations.”
    “I’m not in a playing mood. To be honest, Dick, I feel like biting you, and not for fun.”
    “Well, we all know what happens when a boy bites his Daddy. Stop being naughty. Be a sweet baby and let Daddy take you to a happy place.”
    “Where?” I glanced over my shoulder. “The pub for a pint of Stella or the booze aisle at Tesco?”
    “How about I take you in the playroom and put you on the spanking bench, but not for fun. I’ll tie your ankles to a spreader bar and show how much pain I can put into areas you thought inaccessible.”
    “I was joking, Dick.”
    “Your jokes are like your tongue. They have too much of a sharp edge at times.”
    I knew from the tone of his voice that his eyes would have a sad look in them. Turning over I looped an arm over him. “I’m sorry for being a douche. Forgive me?”
    He tugged a strand of my hair. “I think you ought to earn my forgiveness.”
    “How?” I faked a pout.
    “You’re bright. I’m sure you can think of something.”
    Brushing aside his fringe I placed a kiss on his forehead. “How’s this?”
    He wrinkled his aristocratic nose.
    I pecked a kiss on the lips. “This?”
    He pulled a face. “Not good enough.”
    Putting my mouth close to his ear I whispered, “I’ll have to try harder then.” He gave a tiny moan of pleasure as I licked his ear, tracing my tongue around every part of it. The moan deepened as I took the lobe into my mouth. I worked on it for a few moments,
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