Chosen for the Marriage Bed

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Book: Chosen for the Marriage Bed Read Online Free PDF
Author: Anne O'Brien
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
look at the girl’s dowry. Sir John said that the titles came to her from her mother’s family, the Vaughans of Tretower, a family with strong connections in the March. So she would bring with her that estate there.’ Richard referred to the stipulated estates on the contract and pointed at the location of the lands on the plan. ‘And there. And also there. As well as this stretch of land.’ He ran his finger along the proposed estates that the bride would bring with her, splaying his hand over them thoughtfully when he had traced the full extent. ‘I would say that Sir John chose them most care fully.’
    Robert nodded. If Elizabeth’s lands were subsumed into the Malinder holdings, Richard’s land owner ship would sweep in an impressive block, almost unbroken, along the March. ‘More than generous.’
    ‘Too generous?’ Richard pushed himself upright and allowed the vellum to re-roll, scooping it up and replacing it in the coffer. He then sat on the lid, forearms braced on thighs to pin his cousin with a speculative stare. ‘It would appear to me to be fool hardy in the extreme. To consolidate my power in the central March at the expense of his own. Sir John’s no fool. So why has he done it? Because he values my charm and place at his table as a member of his family?’
    Robert grunted. ‘I can think of nothing less likely.’
    ‘Nor I. He’s very keen to draw me in. This offer is far more advantageous to me than when I agreed to wed Maude. So why?’
    ‘Is it simply that he’s keen to get the girl off de Lacy hands?’
    ‘No. Not that.’ Richard pushed impatient fingers through his hair to clasp his hands behind his head and lean back against the wall. He frowned down at his crossed ankles as if they would give him the answer to the riddle. ‘He’s given too much away. If the problem is the girl, why not simply leave her in Llanwardine Priory where she’s an irritant to no one but the Lady Prioress? No. Sir John has some scheme in mind that demands an alliance with me. Is it simply that I don’t look too closely at what he’s up to in the March? He could have bought my compliance with much less—I’ve no overt quarrel with Sir John unless he steps on my toes, in spite of his allegiance to York. So there’s some thing here that I’m not seeing.’ The sun caught a sharp glint in Richard’s eyes as he turned his head. ‘To my mind, Sir John sees Elizabeth and her estates as the bait in a trap.’
    ‘With you as the unsuspecting rat?’ Robert hitched a hip against the table, emptied the tankard.
    ‘Hmm. Not so unsuspecting. But what’s the trap? That’s what I can’t see.’
    ‘As I said—watch your back, Richard.’
    Richard’s reply was cool and contemplative. ‘So I shall. Because another question is, do you suppose that the bait—the cheese to catch the rat, Elizabeth de Lacy herself—is an innocent party to this? Or is the undesirable Elizabeth part and parcel of Sir John’s dark and devious scheming?’
    Richard let his own question hang in his mind. He had no liking for such murky doings, and yet there were definite advantages to this match. A high-born wife with an enviable parcel of land. As long as he kept his wits about him he would be in no danger. So the girl was neither amenable nor passingly attractive. Would it matter so much? As long as she could hold the reins at Ledenshall in his absence and bear Malinder sons, then she would be an acceptable wife.
    ‘I’m just surprised you would even seek an alliance with a family that would over throw King Henry and raise up the Duke of York in his stead,’ Robert remarked.
    ‘To my mind it could be to an advantage, Rob. Better to have some small window through which to spy into the intent of our enemies than to be taken by surprise. So if Sir John is in truth plotting against me…’
    ‘Elizabeth de Lacy is to be that window.’
    ‘Then why not?’
    ‘Then the girl has my sympathies.’ Robert held out his tankard.
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