Children of the Sun and Moon

Children of the Sun and Moon Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: Children of the Sun and Moon Read Online Free PDF
Author: P. D. Stewart
Tags: Dragons, action and adventure, fantasy quest
    He turned away
from them and ran toward his horse. Koral was going to chase after
him, but Gillock stopped her. “Let him be. A lot has just happened
with him and he needs to deal with it. Now, let’s go get Swift and
head back to the palace. We have much to do.”
Koral agreed and slowly made her way to her horse. When everything
was gathered, they headed toward the castle.

    Koral sat in
silence, but sensed Gillock wanted to discuss something. Her
assumption was confirmed a few minutes later.
    “What do you
know of the prophecy, Koral?” asked Gillock.
    “I have heard
about it my entire life, but father never really wanted us to
remember what it said. I guess he did not want us to draw attention
to ourselves. All I know, it is about twins, and they will return
magic to the world.”
    “The beginning
says ‘In their sixteenth year the twins, sun and moon, shall be
separated by betrayal but shall be found in the light’. Does this
mean anything to you?” he questioned.
    “No,” said
Koral, flatly.
    Gillock sighed.
“It means one of you will betray the other. It's this one action
which will set the prophecy into motion.”
    Koral stopped.
“You think Eric will betray me?”
    Gillock turned
to face her. “Yes, his sneaking off means something, but I’m not
exactly sure what. Something is blocking me from seeing. I do know
you need to watch him very carefully.”
    “I will not
believe my brother would do something to betray me,” said Koral,
her voice rising.
    “I don’t think
he would do it intentionally, Koral. None the less you need to be
    “I cannot
believe Eric would do anything to hurt me.”
    Gillock nodded.
“I don't expect you to. I just want you to be careful.”
    Koral turned
away, “I will.”
something else you must know. In order for the prophecy to happen,
you and Eric must use your abilities. Eric has shown his. He's the
sun. You must be the moon, which means your strongest ability will
be to manipulate water. This doesn't mean you aren't capable of
other feats, it just means your main ability. Both of your special
powers must be used in returning magic to Melarandra.”
    Koral stopped
Swift. “Did you know about Eric’s abilities,” she stated.
    Gillock stopped
his mount. “Yes. Though I didn't know he was this far along in his
studies. I knew he had been borrowing my books, but I didn't
realize what he was doing with them. He’s quite powerful, which
makes him very dangerous.”
    “Why would he
be dangerous?” questioned Koral, resuming their pace?
    “He doesn’t
know how to control his magical abilities. This was quite apparent
after his display in the forest.”
    Koral nodded.
“I see. He fainted, which shows he cannot handle doing that type of
spell, at least not yet.”
    “Exactly. He
has great potential, but he must learn to harness it and channel it
properly or it could destroy him. Being a wizard of the sun means
Eric is capable of manipulating fire, and this is a very powerful
form of magic.”
    Koral did not
know what to make of everything. “Well, we best be getting back to
the castle. Eric is probably already there.”
    Gillock agreed
and they resumed their ride.

    Eric was
embarrassed and confused. He knew he was capable of manipulating
fire, but what he had created frightened him. The power and the
fury behind it had caused him to faint, something which had never
happened before. Eric knew he had to get away from Koral before she
could start asking questions. Eric rode back to the castle as fast
as his horse could take him. He knew this was what Nak had been
preparing him for. This is the great power which would alienate him
from his family. Eric knew he now had to make a choice, one he was
not going to like. By the time he arrived at the castle, he had
made his mind up. Now all he had to do is explain it to Koral. In
the stable, he did not even bother to unsaddle Blade. He was going
to be leaving in the morning and
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