Children of the Sun and Moon

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Book: Children of the Sun and Moon Read Online Free PDF
Author: P. D. Stewart
Tags: Dragons, action and adventure, fantasy quest
which came from their parents. Constantly in a bad mood is
how the entire palace viewed Brin. “He is still sleeping,”
responded Koral.
    Brin just shook
her head, and her tightly wound bun barely moved an inch, and
stormed off towards Eric’s room.
    “I will never
understand why Brin is always so miserable,” muttered Koral to
herself as she headed for the garden.

    When Koral
arrived, she saw Gillock sitting in the centre, facing towards her.
As she approached, she noticed he had a strange look on his
troubling you?” she asked. Gillock could hear the concern in her
motioned her to sit down beside him. “Where to begin,” he thought.
“There's been a lot happening lately,” he started. “So much for you
to learn and now we are out of time.”
    “I do not
understand,” she remarked, confused.
    “Koral, you and
your brother are destined to save this world. It may not look that
way, but magic must be returned to us. I fear neither you nor your
brother is ready for the challenges ahead.”
    “Eric and I
have learned so much. I think we are ready,” said Koral,
    Gillock sighed.
“Yes, you have. Unfortunately, nothing I have taught you will help.
You need to use your magical abilities to fulfil the prophecy and
in this, you’re both not ready.”
    “We will just
do the best that we can, I suppose,” she surmised.
    Gillock smiled
at her optimism “You don't understand what lies ahead for you. For
this to work, you and your brother must use magic, and do it
together. I’m afraid my earlier speculation has come to pass.”
    “What do you
mean?” she asked, not liking the tone his voice had taken on.
    Gillock sighed.
“Eric is about to betray you.”
    Koral was taken
aback. It was happening. The betrayal that would set her course was
    “You can't stop
him. It must happen,” stated Gillock.
    Koral stared at
him. “I know, but it does not mean I cannot try.”
    Gillock knew he
could not stop her from going, so he motioned her to leave.
    “Maybe this
will not start it,” she said, though her voice betrayed her true
feelings. Not knowing what else she could say, Koral turned and ran
from the garden.

    Gillock watched
her as she ran away from him. “In their sixteenth year the twins of
sun and moon shall be separated by betrayal,” he recited to
    “Who are you
speaking to?” questioned a voice from behind.
    Gillock turned
to see Queen Elizanne approaching. Looking at the queen one could
see how Koral may look in a few years. “Koral,” he replied.
    “Is she a
spirit?” asked the queen, jokingly.
    Her expression
changed as she drew closer to Gillock. “What is wrong?” she asked,
seeing the fear in his eyes.
    “As we speak,
the prophecy is beginning. There’s no time left, and they are not
ready,” he stated.
    Elizanne sat
down beside him. “Are you certain?”
yes. Everything is about to be set in motion. We must find the
    Elizanne nodded
in agreement. “He will want to know.”
    They stood
together and headed towards the throne room in silence. Both knew
how Jeremy was going to react to this news.

    Koral left the
garden and headed straight up to Eric’s room. She burst through the
door and saw he was not there. Moving around the room, she noticed
most of his things were missing. Frustrated, Koral headed back
towards the door, but something on his desk caught her eye. It was
a letter addressed to her. As she began to read it, her heart
started to beat faster. The letter was telling her he was leaving
and was going to figure out the prophecy on his own. It mentioned
friends who were going to help, but did not name them. Koral was
stunned, and flopped down onto his bed. The betrayal, could this be
it? He always wanted to be a hero, but to go off alone? He had
never even been any further away than Sprague, and that was only a
week from Klayhern. There was no way he would survive on his own.
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