Cheating Justice

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Book: Cheating Justice Read Online Free PDF
Author: Elizabeth Holtzman
intelligence failures, 31–35; laws for prosecution of criminal deceit regarding, 4–7; lies and deception used to initiate, xiv, 1–37; “marketing” strategy for, 2–3, 10–15, 30; military personnel continuing in, 3; military troop strength needed for, 36; motivations for, 3–4, 35, 165; and Netherlands, 157–59; overthrow of Saddam Hussein as goal of, 35; post-traumatic stress or brain injuries of soldiers in, 3; private military contractors in, 3, 35; and rebuilding of Iraq, 35; and road to war, 7–15; State of the Union address (2003) on Iraq as threat, 1–2, 7, 15–21; statistics on military forces in, 3, 35; torture techniques during, 87–88; truth commissions on, 139, 157–61; withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq, 3; WMD as reason for, ix, 2, 7–8, 10–14, 30, 31, 37.
See also
Abu Ghraib prison
    Iraq War Ledger, 3
    Isikoff, Michael, 31, 32, 127
    Italy, 142, 152–53
    Jackson, Robert, 60, 143
    Japan, 83, 143
    Jarrett, H. Marshall, 46
    Jaworski, Leon, 119
    Jehl, Douglas, 32, 53, 113
    Johnson, Boris, 141
    Jonas, Stacie, 146
    Jones, Walter B., Jr., 91
    Journal of International Criminal Justice
, 142, 149
    Judge Advocate General’s Corps (Army), 105
    Judgment at Nuremberg
(film), 143
, 153, 156
    Justice Department: and “Bush Six,” 147; and Bush’s warrantless surveillance program, 47, 124; and Durham as special prosecutor of torture cases, 121, 126; on effectiveness of Bush’s President’s Surveillance Program, 59; and FISA Amendments Act, 48–49, 63; and FISA court, 63; and
Hamdan v. Rumsfeld
, 97; and international accountability for CIA, 154; investigation of Yoo by, 108; Nazi-hunting unit of, 71–72, 166; Office of Legal Counsel in, 47, 55–58, 60–61, 76, 79–85, 94, 115, 137; Office of Professional Responsibility of, 46, 80–82, 95, 97, 108, 128; and “outing” of Plame as CIA agent, 120; and state secrets privilege, 135; and Terrorist Surveillance Program, 47, 55–58;torture memos by, 79–85, 94, 103–4, 106–8, 137; and
Unclassified Report on the President’s Surveillance Program
(2009), 45; and Watergate, 118–19; and Yoo’s missing e-mails, 128
    Kaleck, Wolfgang, 148, 163
    Karadzic, Radovan, 144
    Keller, Allen, 115
    Kennedy, Edward, 34
    Kessler, Glenn, 9
    Klein, Mark, 45
    Koenig, John, 154
    Koh, Harold, 162
    Korean War, 60, 75, 77, 80
    Kramer, Stanley, 143
    Kristof, Nicholas, 151
    Kungys v. United States
, 19
    Lassetter, Tim, 111
    Lauer, Matt, 107, 109, 118
    Lawless World
(Sands), 13
civil litigation process
    Leahy, Patrick, 138
    Leopold, Jason, 18
    Levin, Carl, 13
    Levin, Daniel, 80
    Lewis, Neil, 56
    Libby, I. Lewis “Scooter,” 18, 28, 120, 127
    Liberia, 144
    Lichtblau, Eric, 40, 48, 65, 124
false statements; fraud
    Lincoln, Abraham, 73, 76
    Lindh, John, 75
    Lindsey, Lawrence, 36–37
    Linzer, Dafna, 18
    Lithuania, 73, 142, 150, 155
    Little Murders
(film), 39
    Los Angeles Times
, 34, 104, 131
    Macedonia, 131, 152, 156, 157
    Madison Institute, 29
    Main Justice
, 43
    Major League Baseball, 5
    Manning, David, 10
    Manningham-Buller, Eliza, 159–60
    Margulies, Joseph, 75, 104
    mass media.
See specific newspapers, television programs, and magazines
    Mayer, Jane, 37, 44, 69, 75, 89
    Mazzetti, Mark, 94–95, 105
    McCain, John, 95, 113
    McClatchy Newspapers, 37, 69, 111
    McClellan, Scott, 11
    McCollum, Bill, 20
    McFarlane, Robert, 27
See specific newspapers, television programs, and magazines
    Meet the Press
, 13, 32
    Mendez, Juan Ernesto, 162
    Mengele, Josef, 71
    Merkel, Angela, 131
    Miami Herald
, 146
    Milbank, Dana, 9
    Military Commissions Act (2006), 97–100
    military trials for detainees, 96–97
    Miller, Geoffrey, 153
    Milosevic, Slobodan, 106, 144
    missing records: of CIA’s interrogations of detainees, 89, 94, 104, 120, 126–27; crime of hiding or mutilation of federal records, 126; on
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