14â15, 75; al Qaeda linked with falsely, 8â16, 29â32; and attempted uranium purchases from Niger, 17â18, 29; Bush on danger of, 12, 19; no connection between 9/11 attacks and, 9â10; and nuclear materials procurement, 16; overthrow of, 8, 10, 33â34, 35; secular attitudes of, 9; and UN inspections for WMD, 29.
See also
Iraq; Iraq War and occupation
IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), 13, 17, 162â63
iCasualties.org, 3
ICC (International Criminal Court), 143â44, 149â51
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Ikassrien, Lahcen, 153
immunity agreements, 151
impeachment: for accountability, 136â37; Bushâs impeachable offenses, 25, 49, 136â37; of Bybee possible, 137; of Nixon, xiiâxiii, 26, 41, 137; U.S. Constitution on, xi
independent counsels, 92â93
Institute for Policy Studies, 146
intelligence: accuracy of, on Iraq, 32; from Bushâs Presidentâs Surveillance Program, 58â60; effectiveness of torture for, 31â32, 46, 73, 77, 110â14; failures of, and Iraq War, 31â35; House and Senate Intelligence Committees, 14, 31, 34, 53, 54, 112, 125; National Intelligence Estimate, 13, 34â35; on 9/11 events, 50; prewar intelligence, 14, 32.
See also
CIA; FBI; National Intelligence Council
Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans
(Church Committee), 138â39
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, 156â57
Inter-American Court of Human Rights, 156â57
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 13, 17, 162â63
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), 72, 88, 89, 97â98, 109, 161
International Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT), 74, 102, 114, 152, 162
International Criminal Court (ICC), 143â44, 149â51
international justice: and accountability, 141â63; and civil compensation and lawsuits in other nations, 155â56; and European Court of Human Rights, 156â57; and Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, 156â57; and International Criminal Court, 143â44, 149â51; and investigations and inquiries in other nations, 157â63; and Japanese war criminals, 106, 143; and Nuremberg trials, 108, 143, 144, 145; principles of, 143; and prosecutions in other nations based on country jurisdiction, 151â55; and truth commissions on Iraq War,139, 157â61; and universal jurisdiction, 144â49
interrogation methods.
Iran, 151
Iran-Contra scandal, 6, 27â28
Iraq: al Qaeda falsely linked with, 8â15, 29â32, 37, 75, 113; and attempted uranium purchases from Niger, 17â19, 29; biological weapons labs allegedly in, 32; Bush on âevilâ nature of, 15; Bushâs acknowledgments of false statements on, 13, 17, 18; false links between 9/11 attacks and, xiiiâxiv, 7, 8â10, 12, 14, 15â16, 22, 23, 24, 32, 75; and first Gulf War, 1, 8, 44, 91, 158; and nuclear materials procurement, 7, 11, 12, 16â18; oil supply in, 8, 35; overthrow of Hussein desired by U.S., 8, 10, 33, 35; training provided to al Qaeda by, as false information, 13, 31â32; UN evacuation of inspectors and staff from, 23; UN inspections of, for WMD in, 13, 16, 29, 161.
See also
Hussein, Saddam; Iraq War and occupation; weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
Iraq War and occupation: and Authorization for Use of Military Force on Iraq, 21â22, 24â25, 53â54; beginning of war, 14; and Britain, 3, 23, 139, 157, 159â61; Bushâs admission of falsehoods on, 2; Bushâs defense of, ix, 2, 25, 118; Bushâs âletter of determinationâ (2003) to, for military engagement in Iraq, 7, 14, 21â26; and Bushâs reelection, 4, 25; casualties of, 2, 3, 113; CIA facilities in Iraq, 74; Congressâs support of, 33â35; costs of, 2, 3, 35, 36â37; false statements and conspiracy to defraud U.S. government regarding, 6â7; and