Champagne Romance (Romance Novel)
and “devil may
care attitude” that except for his baby blues, all gave testimony
to his American Apache heritage. All he needed to do was turn on
the charm and flash his toothy white smile that produced dimples on
both sides of his mouth and he immediately had more than his share
of feminine partners.
    It mattered not to Swan that Slater was
handsome and gorgeous as she could only touch and feel. Obviously,
she was not impressed with his “bear like” activity of the night
before wrestling match. He realized that a little more finesse was
probably required in this situation. Let’s face it---a LOT more
finesse was probably required.
    Adjusting to the situation and changing
tactics, Slater cleared his throat, signifying his presence, but
unsure of what to say next, which was rare in itself. So, he ran
his forefinger over his sexy lips thinking and waiting as he had
often had to do when situations called for it.
    Slater was not a stranger to waiting and
evaluating a problem. He had often had to do just that when he was
under difficult circumstances in enemy territory with his commando
unit. His buddies called him Ace for two reasons: he always
delivered the enemy and he always scored with the ladies. Hoping
that Swan would make the first move, he waited.
    Swan had a miserable night. She’d had visions
of dreadful monsters that haunted and chased her from the past.
They had insisted on intruding and producing a mini-nightmare. Her
eyes were red and swollen from a night of sobbing combined with the
terrifying situation of the plane crash, blindness, and a strange
man that brought conflicting emotions. It was a lot for her mind to
cope and comprehend.
    Slater prayed that more tears were not
forthcoming. As luck would have it, Swan reached out to him. His
heart did a little leap of anticipation. He had to remind himself
that this was not a signal for him to “jump her bones”, but merely
a need for some security from another human being. Her tiny pink
tongue flicked over her luscious lips. Sloan stifled a moan.
    “ I need you,” she whispered.
    A second invitation did not need to be
issued. Slater was at her side in a flash. He reminded himself that
her key word was “need” not “want”. He felt exonerated and if he
really evaluated the situation, he also felt contrite and a little
    “ I’m sorry,” he replied. Where did that
come from? He’d rarely, if ever, said those words in his entire
lifetime. “Watch it, Tiger, you’ll soon find yourself falling for
gorgeous Red.”---an ignored inner voice injected as another voice
replied, “Too late.”

    By evening, Swan and Slater had fallen into a
quiet companionship and unbeknown to Swan a micro-courtship had
also begun to take place. All this holding, light touching, and
soothing quiet talk was uncharacteristic for Slater. For him, it
was unchartered territory. Not really a sacrifice as he was finding
out, but since he was a bit of a louse, he hoped that it would help
gain him the advantage for his ultimate goal of something that he
wanted--- and no doubt about it, he wanted Swan.
    Slater always liked his tumbles lusty and
spontaneous. There never was a need for a plan. But, he knew that a
change of tactics was needed “big time” if he were to have this
woman and he would have her. However, over the course of almost a
week, Swan was becoming more than “just” a woman to him than he was
willing to admit even to his subconscious. Helplessness combined
with a woman’s dependency was new on his radar, raising raw
protective emotions that had never surfaced before in his entire
thirty-three years of life. It was a new and conflicting experience
that he wasn’t about to take time to dwell upon at this moment.
    Swan had been lost in her thoughts thinking
about her reaction to Slater the night before with his aggressive
tactics of a fully aroused male. She was not terribly surprised
that she had reacted with such hysterics from such
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