Champagne Romance (Romance Novel)
be orchestrating the entire attack. Slater swore as he was given
only a few seconds to prepare for war. Fortunately, those precious
seconds were valuable and productive. He checked the security of
the opening, which he suspected might be the most solid attack. He
placed a stick with a hot ember on one end in Swan’s right hand,
and grabbed his makeshift knife before the first wolf came charging
through the small window entrance as if a decision had been made
that this was the weakest point. His advantage was that they could
come only one at a time through the small open port. If any got
through before he was able to kill each first in line, he would be
at a decided disadvantage.
    The entire wolf attack lasted almost a full
ten minutes as six vicious carnivores tried to enter the makeshift
igloo. By the time it was over, four bloody timber wolves lay
scattered lifelessly on the icy terrain and two others had
retreated to lick their wounds. Slater had not survived the attack
unscathed either as more than one fang had made contact with his
forearms. The wounds were not life threatening, but none-the-less
needed attention and hurt like hell.
    Quickly wrapping each arm with makeshift
bandages and with the help of Swan, Slater prepared for another
attack. A large fire below the broken window was of the utmost
priority. Now that the Canes lupus had drawn the blood of their
opponent, they would be back to try to finish the job. The smell of
blood and injured prey would excite the warrior wolves even more
and regrouping would not take long. He only hoped that he was up to
the task of defending his small fort one more time or as many times
as it took to discourage the savage beasts.

    Bear and Dog had been scouting each crevice
of the Colorado Rockies snow covered mountains for almost a week.
It looked like one big glacier down there. They were not new to
this painstaking procedure. They were experienced and well-seasoned
troopers who had seen war in almost every zone and in the most
demanding of climates in the world. They were good at what they
did. They knew that if anyone could survive the jet disaster, it
would be Ace. That possibility was becoming leaner every day. They,
however, would not be satisfied until they saw his final parts in a
black body bag.
    Another big storm was headed their way. Big
dark ominous clouds were hovering in the distance. Time was running
out. If the wreckage of the 707 were not discovered today or
tomorrow, it was liable to be buried so deep in lethal snow that
any hope of discovery would be camouflaged until spring over six
months away.
    Barrett gripped the chopper’s steering and
continued to zigzag over the frozen earth below. Barrett was
nicknamed Bear because he looked like one--big, burly, and
ferocious if the situation called for it, which in his previous
business had been often. He was now a family man that made small
private jets and helicopters for our American government. He liked
married life. Why wouldn’t he? He was married to a beautiful, tall,
long leggy actress with skin the color of coffee and cream, which
was why she went by the name, Mahogany.
    Mahogany was “Magdalena” on one of the
national soap operas. She got the job when a director noticed her
as she was performing for the USA troops at Christmas in Baghdad.
That was Bear’s first encounter with his future wife. He
immediately decided that she was going to be the one for him. She
had the look of royalty with her fine features and exotic, slightly
slanted, gray blue eyes--fit for a sultan just like him he
    Mahogany and Bear complimented each other and
their courtship was very short. Although they had two preschool
children, Lilly and Magnolia, who each had inherited the same
tendency of their mother to become great beauties, she continued to
work for the pure joy of entertaining. Bear understood that need
and approved of her desire to be an active working woman; however,
their growing family
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