oversized leather seats on each side in rows of two. I sink into the window seat and buckle myself in. After checking to make sure I’m properly secured, Connor sits on the other side of the aisle and stares out the window. His fists clench and unclench, clench and unclench. It seems wiser lo leave him alone.
Whaddya know? You do possess a sense of self-preservation. Snarkarella pipes up. I was wondering about that.
“Shut up.” I mutter at her under my breath. She’s one to talk, never around when I need her.
The engines roar to life and I close my eyes, reliving what happened back at the bar. I owe both Greg and Eric an apology. I hope the police weren’t needed to break it up. Why didn’t I just go home?
The question follows me into a fitful sleep. I wake when Connor leans over me, wrapping a blanket around my shoulders. He murmurs something too low for me to hear.
“Don’t be mad,” I whisper. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“But you did.” He pulls away, returns to his seat.
Snuggled under the chenille throw. I drift off again, too physically and mentally exhausted to argue with him anymore.
The next time I wake the jet is taxing and Connor is seated beside me. “We’re here.”
“Where’s here?”
“East Hampton. I have a house here.”
Of course he did. Shaking off the fog of weariness, I follow him down the steps of the plane and out into the waiting limo.
The elderly driver leans in. “Everything you requested has been secured, sir.”
“Thank you, Randolph.” Connor nods politely.
“What did you ask him for?”
“Clothes for you, some food, and a few other sundry items for our stay.”
“What about your guests at the Rosemont?”
“Fuck them,” he growls, turning those glittering blue eyes on me. The layer of ice has thawed, leaving behind a fire that warms the cold places inside of me,
“No thanks,” I murmur.
The corner of his mouth kicks up. “You don’t care for my circle of friends?”
“They’re a bunch of back biting ass-muppets.”
His grin is full-fledged. “I’ll subtract five, just for that.
“Five what?”
He merely smiles. A shiver zips the length of my spine.
Connor’s house here isn’t nearly as ostentatious at the Rosemont. In fact it’s more of a refurbished seaside cottage, done in a slightly grander scale. Connor helps me from the limo and escorts me into the house. The main room has vaulted ceilings and the entire rear wall is made up of reinforced glass that comes to a sharp point in the middle. Though it’s dark, I can just make out the white froth of sea foam.
“It’s lovely,” I murmur, running my hand over the marble countertop, taking in the glint from stainless steel appliances.
Connor merely grunts, steering me through the main room toward the back of the house.
“Bathroom’s through there.” He points across the large space. “I’ll be back in half an hour.”
He shuts the door and I hear a lock tumble. Oh no, he didn’t just lock me in his room? There’ll be hell to pay when he gets back if he did.
It’s then I notice the sliding glass door. Vertical blinds hang in front of it, but when I try the door it slides open, letting in a whiff of cold, salty air. Okay, he’s not trying to imprison me, just make a point. I can deal with this.
I use the bathroom, and wash my hands and face, ridding myself of all the remaining makeup. Since I have nothing to change into, I keep my dress on but kick off the heels. I’d fantasized about Connor stripping away each layer as I’d pulled them on and damned if I was going to give up that fantasy just because he had his jock in a twist.
A fire snaps in the hearth, dispelling the damp chill in the air. Though the house must have been closed up, it doesn’t have that musty, unused scent, instead smelling clean, like a fresh breeze. The bedside clock tells me it’s after five in the morning, but I’m wide awake, heart pounding, adrenaline pumping and almost sick with